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One day Jay was getting ready to make a new yan sim myth video because he hasn't done it in a month.

Jay goes on his computer, says his yandere simulator myth video intro then soon after he clicks "play" but instead of the game starting, smoke comes out of the computer.

"What is happening?"

Suddenly a grey cloud sucks him into the game. He starts to wonder where he is and once he looks down, he sees that he is wearing a yan sim school boy outfit.


"This must be a dream. Jay says to himself.

"Hi you must be new here I'm Midori!" Midori says with excitement.

"I'm Jay." Jay says.

"Nice to meet you Jay."

"Nice to meet you Midori"

Jay's mind: Ooh it would be really cool if i ended MIDORI GURINUU'S lifu!

"Ok I got to go to class now, bye."


Jay looks to his left

"Ooh weapons!"

*Grabs weapons*

"Where is kakona?" Jay says to hismelf.

Jay walks away with a knife in his pocket then suddenly, he bumps into someone.

"Oof!" They both say

"Hey watch where your going!" ??? Says

"I'm sorry... Hey are you yan Chan?"

"Yeah I am... hey i've never seen you before" *pulls out phone and points to Jay*

"What are you..."
*He poses for 5 seconds*
*yan can takes the pic*
"why did I just pose?"

"New kid I need your help."

"With what?"

"I need to to help me win senpai's heart."


"On your profile it says you are not from japan, you are from overseas and you accidentally got sucked into this game and he only way to get out is if you help me."



*He looks at phone*


Name: Kubz Scouts AKA Jay
Reputation: 0
Personality: ????
Crush: None
Club: None
Strength: Capable

Additional Information:

Magically got stuck in Japan and is from another universe. To leave he needs to help a Protagonist from class 2-1.

"Oh." Jay says

"So will you help me?"


"First we gotta kill kakona"

*Senpai walks in the school while reading a book*

"He is so cute."

"Ooh kokona is walking towards us." *Takes out knife*

"Put that away!" Yan Chan says

"Why?" Jay asks *suddenly sees a pink triangle* "what is that?"

"You shouldn't bring that to school new kid." Kakona says

*Jay puts it away* "come on let's go kill kakona while she is taking a hot doodoo shit"

"Today isnt wednesday jay."

"Oh... well when she is talking about compensated dating."

*Senpai walks into the school and yan Chan acts like her weird self*
"Don't judge me."

*A few minutes later*

"ugh I told you not to call me while I'm at school!" Says kakona

"Teleport to the roof." *She teleports*

"How?" Jay yells."

*yells from the roof* "Say roof twice then clap."

*He does it and he is now on the roof*

"Ew the blood looks more disgusting in person."

"Yeah, get used to it man... Now pour it on her."

*Grabs bucket and dumps it*

"Kyaaaa! What is this?! Is this blood?! Where did all this blood come from?!" *Started running to locker room* "I can't go to class like this! I need to go wash this off."

"Ha weakling." Says yan can

"Now all we have to do is kill her motherfuckin lifu!!!!"

"Ok weirdo, let's go."

*A few minutes later*

"What's happening to my eye sight, it's turning black!!" Jay says

Screen: (normal screen at the end of the day)

"Where am I?" Jay asks

"My house, and you can sleep in the guest bedroom."


"We have to kill all students and teachers before friday and without senpai noticing."


*They go to sleep*

Kubz Scouts in yandere simulatorWhere stories live. Discover now