The boy in a hoodie

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Author's note : Italics are the character's thoughts!

Why was everyone wearing sweatshirts? Liam thought as he meandered the halls to his next class, I mean it's September, in California, it's like WAAY TOO HOT to be—. Liam was stopped dead in his thoughts. It was as if all the hot summer air that clouded his irritation was swept away by this gleaming presence. A boy in a pink hoodie  brushed passed him, bumping Liam's shoulder, mumbling something imperceptible.

Then, an overly enthusiastic voice broke his trance. "Liam!" It was Mason, who now had his arm slung over Liam's shoulders. "Hey, uh-Mason" Liam scrunched his brows, still shaking off his trance...what, or rather who, was that?

    The rest of the morning went by uneventful, Liam was feeling weighed down by the enormous amounts of syllabus's he was going have to read later, but he had History after lunch, and that was sure to lighten his mood. With this, he cheerfully pranced into the cafeteria, only to be hit bluntly with the remembrance of Lunch: he has second lunch. All his friends had first lunch. Liam bit his lip, and looked at the chaotic scrambling of people as he clenched onto his lunch tray....there must be somebody I'm like "half friends' with here? But, to no avail, Liam was faced with the reality that this semester lunch would be spent by his lonesome. The cheerful boy, however, just took this the most positive way he could, I'll just eat in the library and be productive. And with that his trailed on happily, unaware of the pink hooded mass following the same train of thought.

    "Greek Mythology!" Liam gasped excitedly, bread falling from his overstuffed cheeks. He was skimming through his history syllabus, and was pleasantly surprised. Sitting cross legged in a corner of the library, he leaned up against a bookshelf.

    "Don't they teach basic  table manners at Beacon Hills," A low voice emanated from above. Liam looked up from his messy array of books and papers to find the pink-hoodie boy smirking above him. He felt a blush creep up on his cheeks, as he tried to make himself look presentable. Swallowing what food was left in his mouth, Liam stood up abruptly and went to introduce himself.

    "New? Um-Liam." The boy rose an eyebrow. Liam cringed, God why was he so flustered, he mentally shook himself and tried again,

     "Sorry, I'm Liam, and yes they do, but I'm honestly more interested in the flavor of the food than proper etiquette." Liam awkwardly laughed and put out his hand to the boy who was trying to suppress a chuckle, "Are you new?" Liam stared earnestly into his eyes.

    The pink hoodied boy tried to answer, failed, and burst out laughing, grabbing Liam's shoulder with one hand, as the other occupied his stomach as his tried to calm himself. Liam was taken aback by the sudden contact and tried to back away, but tripped over his own pile of books. With a loud bang the two boys crashed to the floor, the stilll un-introduced boy on top of the other. Liam was EVEN more flustered at this point, as the boy's body was pressed directly up against his own. Their eyes were widened with shock and were directly looking at each other.


"Huh" Liam gasped.

"My name, it's Theo." Theo grinned now aware of the situation. "And you know, Liam, you could have just told me you were interested instead of pulling me on top of you."

Liam's heart raced from beneath his chest, but he made no effort to move, he was so taken by this Theo, and the way his-clearly fit body-seemed to fit onto his own slightly smaller one so perfectly. Theo, taken notice of the poor boy's predicament pushed himself of of Liam pulling him up with him."Don't worry there hun, I'm only teasing." He flashed a confident toothy grin.

    "Well..yeah of course. I mean..yeah" Liam scrunched his face, attempting to cover the fact that his heart was acting erratically. Was that his soap? Why did it smell so good?

Theo enjoyed watching Lam scramble for composure, of course secretly Theo was also silent freaking out, but he would never admit that. Maybe this school wouldn't be a complete tragedy. As Liam scampered off, mentioning something about class, Theo was now left alone with his thoughts, and well, Liam's scattered mess of books. He smiled to himself. There was some upsides to being a werewolf in modern days--such as reading chemosignals--and Liam's chemosignals were telling Theo to act of his new interest. The boy started to place the books back own the shelf thinking to himself, I mean who wouldn't be interested in a that fluffy haired boy?

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