Chapter 4: Caught in pieces

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The two boys had woken from their slumber when Scott called Liam up on his phone wondering, -quote- "WHERE IN THE HECK WAS HE." After explaining the situation, Scott let up, however when Liam hung up, the silence of the night amplified the close proximity of the two and Liam felt acutely aware of the situation. He quickly left Theo's embrace before he could feel his erratic heartbeat. After mumbling something about how he should probably head back, Theo was now acutely aware of the absence of Liam. The boy gazed out at the crescent moon, as his hand fell to his chest, which now felt light. Theo had been carrying a figurative weight there for so long, but somehow, Liam was starting to cancel it out.


It was now the next morning and Liam was frantically getting ready for school, he was running around with a piece of toast in his mouth-gathering papers-and shoving some food into a crinkled bag. "Woah there Liam—" Scott chuckled at the frenzied youngster. "Don't choke now, I can always drive—yo, wait...did you brush your hair?" Scott dazzled at the the fact that for ONCE the boy's hair was not surging in several different directions.

"What? No I don't even own one." Liam shrugged as he walked out the door, Scott yelling at him that he has JUST bought him one. Liam had a habit of 'long term misplacing' things...oops? So Liam left on the yellow vehicle without realizing the reason for his hair was because a certain someone had been running his hands through it...

The rest of the day went by fairly mundane for the small boy, despite a few heart flustering glances toward Theo (particularly when Theo tried to come up to him but he just scurried away) *facepalm*, Liam was fairly composed, well, until Lacrosse practice ended. He even thought that perhaps the team was starting to like him again as they were smiling at him the whole practice..although he now realized the smiles were for a different reason.

There in his locker dripped a fowl smelling liquid off of his favorite t-shirt. He had loved this one, it had a funny graphic that referenced his favorite book series. Liam's fist met the metal of the locker door. His red blood contrasted the soft blue of the room. He turned to confront the boys but realized they were all gone. His anger melted into a disappointed sadness, He felt pathetic. I'm just a nobody with out Scott around. However that sadness turned into fear as he read the attached note barely legible now that it was beginning to disintegrate from the liquid, "It's what you deserve f*g, just wait till you get home." it read. He heart twitched at the curse and he began to race home. What had they done? What had they done? I have to fix it before Scott sees it....

As Liam's head ached in panic, Theo was just starting up his truck, he had to go back to school to retrieve a textbook, when he saw a certain beta sprinting across the school lawn, still in his lacrosse uniform..he thought he looked upset. His body immediately went to go after him—but was stopped by the remembrance of how Liam had avoided earlier. Perhaps he was disgusted by me? Who wouldn't be. And with that Theo dazed off into a frenzy of conflicted emotions.


His werewolf nose picked up the scent from a mile away. It matched that of the smell that drenched his t-shirt. Fear, irritation, and embarrassment spiked his heart as he arrived at his doorstep. The lawn was covered in clumps of the mysterious substance, and upon noticing the ajar door, he saw it seemed to continue throughout his house. How could they do this? This was just invasive and clearly too far, even for them. The boy suspected it had to do with his recent promotion to team captain.

"Liam?" A low voice echoed from behind him. Liam turned to see a concerned Theo. "What's going on?" The older boy's voice was muffled from his hand covering his nose. But it didn't hide the worry glistening in his eyes.

"It's nothing Theo." Liam stood up and turned away. "Why are you even here, you—you should go." He meant to forcefully say these words, but his voice crackled in pain and Theo could sense the despair emanating off of him.

"Liam, it's-its okay- you don't have to hide anything from me..."

Liam turned in frustration. "Oh and why is that? You're just some kid I just met! I don't even know you- you could just be trying to use me too! One minute we're friends right? THEN you'll just shove me away like everyone else taking everything you want and leaving me alone!" His voice came out in spurts of bitter pain. But it quickly churned to guilt when he saw the hurt riddled over the other boy's face. "Oh Theo, no I didn't mean—Im sorry..."

Theo caught Liam just as he crumpled to the floor. He once again ran his fingers soothingly through the boy's hair, hushing and cradling him. Wondering who could have broken the boy who seemed to have everything he wanted. "It's alright Liam, but if you want me to help, you have to tell me what's going on."

"I..I don't think I'm ready for that. But.." Liam's quiet mumble was only audible to the the other werewolf.

"But what?" Theo lifted Liam's face so he could meet his gaze.

"I can't let Scott see this. I just—he has enough to worry about."

Theo nodded in understanding, he had heard about the true alpha's prominent involvement in keeping the current supernatural peace. "Well then lets clean it. We'll do it before he comes home. You got some plastic bags and gloves?"

Liam eagerly agreed, and gratefully thanked the boy. Though just as he began standing up to grab the bags--Theo caught his arm and whispered, "Although, you got to stop laying on me like this I might get the wrong idea." He smirked mischievously hoping to lighten the mood.

It worked, but not in the way he expected. "Maybe I want you to get the wrong idea." this earned a set of raised eyebrows, and well, spiked curiosity.

And with that the were wolf and puppy got to work, cleaning up the mess thats origin still remained a mystery to the older one.

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