Two boys in One Hoodie

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The weekend passed in a blissful array of sweet kisses and an endless stream of movies. And heavens if Theo didn't love it--but there was a guilt. Monday brought a sobering reality of the harsh words his beloved's brother had spoken. He was aware Scott thought harshly of him, but he couldn't drag Liam into that. No, he had to fix this. He wandered to the kitchen to meet Liam, finding him mid bite in a piece of toast-- jam was smeared generously above his upper lip, Theo smirked at this, I wouldn't mind just licking that off...NO Theo stay on track here.

"Whatcha thinking bout boyfriend? Hmm?" Liam teased.

"Oh? I don't recall sass being the flavor of that jam." Theo walked over confidently to the snickering beta, gently sinking to the hard wood chair beside him. Noticing Theo's serious change in mood Liam's face fell grim with worry.

"Liam, I-I don't like how we left things with Scott. I don't want to get between you two, I mean he's family and that's important..." The wolf's mind drifted off to darker places. Coldness seeped in his heart as he remebered when his own family left him, and the thought that he might now lose Liam. A warm, soft hand brought him back to reality, Liam caressed his cheek with concern, the boy could tell Theo was raking through dark memories.

"Theo, I'm not gonna push you, but I want you to know I'm not going to judge. I'm here to support you if you want to talk." The beta's eyes held honesty and tender love. It was that look, that look that finally turned that key in Theo's heart. That last turn that opened him fully to the boy in front of him.

"We were never a well to do family. I was an only child, a mistake they said. " Theo's teeth clenched, Liam held his hand over the other's in reassurance and he continued. "They were always negligent of me, but that was fine I could get by on my own. Although, eventually , things got really bad, they started gambling and getting hooked on terrible things. They fell into deep debt, and well I became the bargaining piece. I was young, defenseless, confused, I couldn't resist. I fell into the hands of the dread doctors.." Theo shivered again. "and well I guess I became their 'experiment' or whatever. So I'm not even a real werewolf." His voice held disdain and self disgust. Liam's heart shattered at the sight.

"Theo, no. Maybe you didn't become one by birth, or by the bite, but that doesn't make you any less of one. And I mean I've seen you in wolf form, and if that ain't wolf, I dOn'T know what is." Liam's fingers dripped down Theo's chapped lips and gently onto his stubbly chin.

Laughing , Theo's heart swooned at the acceptance, and gentle physical contact. He should have known this perfect boy would accept him. "God how is it you always manage to bring a smile to my face huh?" Liam shook his head playfully.

However the older's wolf face fell once more. "There's a little bit more I'm afraid. I was in a dark spot. I was completely at the whim of the dread doctor's I had given up hope at being released, and I knew there was no one waiting on me. That's when Jacob showed up. He was the son of my parent's enabler, he .. well.. saved me from the dread doctor's... But I was naive. Quick to jump at the first sight of someone caring for me." He shook his head, resting it in his palms, Liam pulled them apart.

"Hey it's not your fault, anyone can fall for that, hell what's so bad about wanting someone to care about you." Desperation cracked the small boy's voice.

"You're right, for once.." The two shared a small chuckle at that. "However, he just used me, began to have me run his 'errands' for him, deliver things. I was blinded by the fact that he saved me and felt it was a debt I could never pay. It turns out it was all just part of his plan to pretend to care about me, hell he even pretended to fall in love with me, but it was  guise just so he could have me do his dirty work. Eventually things became too intense, and too crime filled. When I confronted him about it he hit me. It was sobering, I finally realized I was once again just a vessel to be used as a tool."

Seeing the one he cared so deeply about open his hear tout like this tore at Liam, so many words  were rushing through his head, he wanted to MAKE sure Theo knew he was not a tool, but Liam was worried he wouldn't say it right. Well, I'll give it my best shot.

Bringing his hands once more to the other's, Liam brought his deep blue eye's to meet the other's. "I'm so sorry Theo, no one deserves that. You should know that you are so much more than someone to be used, you are your own amazing b-beautiful individual." Liam Blushed at his words but continued. "I promise I am here not to use you, I am here because I l-love you." The beta thought his heart was going to erupt from his chest. Theo looked at the boy with shock as his own heart hammered.

He loves me? Do I too? Hell yeah.

Theo pulled Liam into the tightest embrace, holding without plans to ever let go. his hands wandered to that soft hair he loved so much.

"I love you too Liam. And thank you, it means a lot to hear that from you."

Giggling Liam gave Theo a chaste kiss and then did something unexpected.

"Liam?" Theo inquired. the boy had lifted up Theo's hoodie and snuggled himself inside. Theo would have protested, but it felt so good to have his boy pressed against his body reassuringly. So, the two just held each other for hours, neither mentioned when salty trickles of water gleamed from the corners of their eyes. Each other's bodies acted as muffles for  the silent sobs that echoed the open space. The physical contact was healing Theo, slowly he was becoming whole. Tomorrow they could conquer finding acceptance, today they had each other. Nothing else mattered.

A/N : there is is! My first story!<3 I hope you all liked ittt okay 😭💗 and I have a new one in the works!! 💕 should be posted later today ;) it's more Thiam.

Thiam- The boy clad in a pink hoodieWhere stories live. Discover now