too many options

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In one direction New York was pulling me in the other Hawaii..two opposites yet both are so close to my heart. "Honey look I know both are special to you. I will be okay with either choice so just open your letter and you will know." In my sweaty hands I held the tickets to my next chapter in life. The most anticipated yet most nerve-wracking decision I haven ever had to make thus far. Gripping the big vanilla envelope titled "Colombia University" I began to shake. I slowly and steadily unveiled the envelope and read what begun as 'Dear Macy Logan...we are pleased to--" I had been accepted. 

Colombia was one of the best schools in New York. With only a seven percent acceptance rate.. I had know idea how I managed to get accepted. Well, yes I did. My grandmother was the dean there and she pulled a few strings. With my straight 4.0 I didn't stand out that much. So she tugged and pulled a little and got me an acceptance. I would be eternally grateful. My grandmothers plan for me, as it had been with my mother, was to be a well-known and respected business woman. She wanted me to be influential and to make a difference. It had been a lot of pressure for my mother and it was definitely weighing on me too. My mother had gotten into Colombia too--of course from the help of her mother--and still didn't chose it. This leads me to my next letter. Hawaii University. 

Hawaii University is where my mother chose to go to college. When my grandmother found out that's what she chose, my mom was surprised she didn't get disowned. My grandmother did throw a big fit, but she knew it was my mothers dream. It ended up turning out to be the place  where  she met my dad too, and where I was born four years later. Grandma about flipped when she found out my mother was pregnant without being married. 

When I was younger it was a dream of mine to go to Colombia and so on one night, I asked her why in the world she hadn't chosen Colombia. Pretty much anyone could get into Hawaii so why would she chose that? She said, "Baby, it's not always about going to the "Picture perfect" school. I had been in New York my entire life. It was Colombia this Colombia that. I got so caught up in thinking I HAD to go there, that I didn't focus on any other place. My sophomore year, my parents and I took a trip to Hawaii. That's when I fell in love with the people there. It felt like home. The people there are just different." I had never gotten to experience that atmosphere until I turned ten. We had moved to New York when I was two because my mother got sick. She had cancer and my grandma wanted her to get the best treatment. They sufficed the cancer until almost eight years late, a month after my birthday. My mother died. She had wanted to be buried in Hawaii so my dad, my family, and me all flew there. I just couldn't explain it..but the atmosphere was different. It was 

This decision was hard for me to make. Everything in me said Hawaii, but grandma needed me. She was getting older and HER dream was that her legacy lived on at Colombia. I was her last chance. After mom's death, she just wasn't the same. None of us were. My dad manages, but his heart isn't in anything. He is usually gone on work, flying planes across the country as a pilot. It broke his heart to see me.. the exact replica of my mom. I was afraid if I chose Colombia, he wouldn't look at me again. I know that's a little dramatic. I just don't want to hurt anyone anymore than they already are.  

"Hey, sweetie are you hearing anything that I'm saying" my grandmother asked tenderly. That's the exact moment it happened. The moment I broke into tears and ran to my room. I wanted to be happy, but being happy called for everyone I loved to be hurt and I just couldn't do that to them.
Hey lovelies, I know this is short. I have more written already. I just want to get a feel on whether anymore will read this! As soon as it gets to 10 reads I will publish another chapter. (I'm not gonna be one of those authors that makes people do that all the time I just want to make sure there is a little interest in this before I invest myself!! GIVE FEEDBACK!!! Thanks! Merry Christmas xx marissa

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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