Chapter 30. - Coffee

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A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone - whichever one you celebrate, I hope you had a wonderful time and got to relax and enjoy your family! The picture above is a shameless declaration of my happiness. Some of my long time followers have been with me since my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, and this year, she's here with us, cancer free. The other picture is with my husband, and our 2 furr-babies, Aspen & Sherlock. Finally, things are clicking into place for all of us, and if these last few years have thought us anything, it's to be grateful for every moment, appreciate every time you are together, and to always tell the people who are important to you how precious they are!

Whatever you are going through, it's temporary - the good and the bad. So appreciate the good, cherish every second of it! And if you are dealing with hardships right now - just now that it'll pass, and you will think back on these times and feel proud for how damn strong you are!

This chapter is dedicated to my family, you, and your families! I hope everyone has a wonderful end of the year, and that in 2019 only gets better!


Hazmat took the stage, and Arielle pulled me to the side. "Is everything ok?" She asked, concern shining in her grey eyes. "You seem a little pale."

"It's just... complicated." I said finally, tired of hiding the truth. Arielle has warned me that having a relationship with a client could only complicate things, and while it felt wrong to admit defeat, I thought that perhaps she would understand.

I exhaled as she agreed. "Relationships aren't always straightforward. And as you may know, I very publicly struggled with mine. But then one day, I woke up, and everything turned out to be alright."

"I'm waiting for that day." I said, sighing. "It's stupid, isn't it? A quarter of these stunning girls are here for him."

Arielle shrugged. "Perhaps. But there's only one London."

I scoffed. "He hasn't even looked my way the entire night."

In the background, Hazmat was setting up. Lukas played a few test riffs, while Ash counted off on the microphone. Jesse beat a quick rhythm, while Brian stroke a couple chords.

But the whole time, Arielle seemed to be focused on me. "I'm going to tell you this, and it might sound very obvious, but it took me a long time to figure out, so listen up!" She grabbed my arm, demanding all my attention. "Men are simple creatures. They don't always tell you about their feelings... They'll show you in other ways. And if you're waiting for them to consider how their lack of words might make you feel... Well, you're in for a surprise! But!"

I smiled, as her huge eyes rounded even more with every word.

"They mean well. And I think deep inside your heart, your instincts will always tell you the truth."

I bit down on my lower lip, feeling conflicted. Lukas has shown me nothing but patience, care, and he was even willing to put up with my mentally unstable family for one morning. He made me feel special any time that we were alone. And yet tonight...

"Look!" Arielle grinned, nodding towards the stage.

Instead of Ash standing in the middle of the stage at the microphone, it was Lukas LaBelle, his golden eyes shining even brighter than usual under the lights. "A number of years ago-" He started, his fingers tickling his electric guitar in rhythm with his words. "-I had a strange encounter."

The crowd clapped as he took a dramatic pause, giving them his most panty-melting half smile.

"We weren't big back then. In fact-" Lukas grinned, glancing back at Jesse who beat out a quick rhythm. "-that night we were there for free. I was going to grab a couple of waters for the guys, but instead-" I took a deep breath, my head spinning at his words. "-I got scorching hot coffee spilled all over me."

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