Chapter 28. - Release Party

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Kisha283 ! Thank you for the love and support!

And without further dancing on your nerves, let's get to the party:


I haven't seen Lukas since that Saturday at my parents' house. The last few days before the event was spent with me suspended from the ceiling of the Renaissance venue, hanging expensive chandeliers and fairy lights, stacking flameless candles, and adding live flowers to the mix of fake vines. My arms were sore from the physical work I've been putting in, and my body aching from the long days that turned into nights.

Meanwhile, Lukas was practicing with the rest of Hazmat. In between sets, they stopped by multiple radio shows, magazines, podcasts, and even Good Morning America to promote their brand new album.

One song was "leaked" a few days ago, and it has been playing on the radio nonstop. I used the term leaked loosely because Arielle told me their label released it as a teaser for the album – and in hopes to distract the public from... well, me.

The final days before the party were the worst. The paparazzi were following my every step. They even seemed to know where I was headed even before I got there, because no matter where I turned, a group of screaming men with cameras awaited. Oh, and the fans... The fans did not get kinder as the days passed. If anything, the assaults only worsened with time, to the point where I was too scared to log onto my social media accounts.

The only upside of this sudden fame was the fact that my art sold like never before. I had a painting auctioned off for six-fucking-figures at an art gala. I was speechless when the art dealership that promoted my paintings asked me to send in more. They said they cannot keep them on the shelves, no matter what ridiculous price tag they slapped on by the canvas.

The downside was that I couldn't leave the house – in fact, I had to check into a hotel, and use my newfound art money to pay for a fancy new security system.

Oh, and the harassment. I won't even mention the harassment.

The only person remotely excited about my fame was Callie. She was, of course, made for to be in the spotlight, and she had the rare talent of distracting the paparazzi from their original questions, to something she wanted to promote – hence how my art dealer was found.

"You're wearing this dress to the release party!" Callie nodded, chewing on a thumbnail as she scrolled through a designer website.

I took one look at the price tag and shook my head. "No way."

Although I had to admit, the dress was breathtaking.

I shook my head. "Nope! Can't afford it."

Callie sighed. "Of course you can! I saw the check that came in from your paintings yesterday. You could buy a thousand of these." She nodded towards the screen.

"Can't do it." I objected.

"Why the hell not?! I know you'd love this dress – this is exactly what would make you stand out in a crowd of masked ladies, pining for your man." She pointed at the dress again, opening another photo to show it to me from the side.

I sighed. "It doesn't feel right to use that money, Callie."

She frowned. "And why is that? You earned it."

"Because my paintings sold due to my association with Lukas LaBelle. Not because I'm suddenly a known artist."

"Of course you're a known artist! You're a household name now, London Grey." She huffed. "You're talented as hell. Who cares why someone bought your art?! You made a bank!"

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