merry christmas (marriage au)

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[an: MY LOVELY COVINSKY STANS, MERRY CHRISTMAS. I'm actually alive and I survived school! Enjoy this lovely one shot!]


« MARRIAGE AU: lara jean gives peter the best christmas present that he'll ever need this christmas season »


             It's finally the Christmas season, the season of love and family except for the fact my husband wasn't with me.

Peter unfortunately got wrapped up in making a business deal with his mother and his dad decided to take him and Owen to a quick winter vacation with his family.

"Lara Jean, is Peter coming home for Christmas?" Trina asks sitting next to me in the couch.

I nod and give her a small smile. "Hopefully, I really want him to open his Christmas this year."

"Oh, what'd you give him this year?"

Kitty rushes into the living room shaking her head to show me that I shouldn't spoil the surprise. "Lara Jean's baking Peter fruitcake cookies!"

"Katherine! You scared me. Please don't do that again." Kitty flashes an evil grin before apologizing.

My little sister sits next to me after Trina goes upstairs to take a beauty nap. "Lara Jean, do you wanna grab some milkshakes after I bake these?"

"Sure, but I'll call Peter before we go."

"Lara Jean Kavinsky... Maybe you can call him later." Kitty suggests placing my phone right back inside my purse.

I wonder why she's acting so weird. "Are you already kicking me out of the house?"

She laughs before standing me up slowly. "Lara Jean, why would I ever do that?"

"You've been acting so weird this week, Kitty."

"It's the Christmas season, Lara Jean. Can't I have a little appreciation for wanting to take my sister out for some milkshakes?"

I shake my head still unconvinced by Kitty's little act. She lets out a loud sigh before getting ready to take me out.

               After another eventful argument in the car, Kitty and I finally made it to our favorite diner. I narrow my eyes when see the familiar Audi that Peter has driven for years.

I feel my phone vibrate in my fingers and I answer quick to know exactly who it might be. "Hi Peter!"

"Hey Kavinsky, how's my wife?" He asks bringing a smile to my face.

"She's alright, she sorta misses her husband."

Peter scoffs over the phone making me giggle. "Shouldn't she miss her husband much more than a sorta?"

"Not to ruin the party, but you guys still know I'm here right?" Kitty cuts in on our phone call.

I roll my eyes before Peter says, "Lara Jean, wanna go on a date?"

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