Yusei: I refuse to let you win! Stardust will attack Odd Eyes!
Zarc: I'll use the pendulum effects of Infinity and zero!
Yusei: Stardust will banish odd eyes and itself! I end with a face down!
Zarc: I draw, I pendulum summon! My darkwurms!
Yusei: I see a pattern
Zuzu: Yuya! I know your still in their!
Zarc: Zarc attacks you directly!
Yusei: I activate my facedown! Call of the Haunted I special summon from my graveyard Junk Synchron!
Zarc: My two darkwurms will attack you directly!
Yusei slams against the ground.
Zuzu: Draw! I fusion summon Maestra the Melodious Diva!
Zarc: Zero attack? Your pathetic!
Celina: Look! His shoulder!
Everyone sees a purple 39 glowing on Zarc's arm.
Lulu: What about it?
Celina: We can reach out to Ethyn!
Zuzu: My Diva attacks Zarc!
Zarc: It's pointless!
Zuzu: My monster isn't destroyed and you take the damage instead of me!
Zarc: What!
Zarc 8500>>>4500
Zuzu: Remember what dueling stands for Yuya!
Zarc: AAAAAAA....!
Celina: Don't forget what you've done to protect us Ethyn!
Zarc: Stop it! AAAAAA....!
Rin: Yugo! Lulu: Yuto! Zuzu: Yuya! Celina: Ethyn!
Zarc's eyes go from yellow to red.
Yuya: Zuzu! Thanks for not quitting on me!
Zuzu: Yuya!
Yuya: I activate supreme showdown! Our monsters battle again!
Zarc takes over.
Zarc: You won't beat me alone you fool!
Zuzu: I'm not alone, I've got Yuya! So take all that I got!
Zarc: Noooo...!
Zarc 4500>>>500
Zuzu: I activate Hinotama! It deals 500 Damage!
Zarc: My pendulum effects activate! I gain instead of losing the amount!
Zarc 500>>>1000
Celina: Draw! I activate twin twisters and destroy your pendulums! I then fusion summon! Ancient Gear Howitzer! When summoned you take 1000 points of damage!
Zarc 1000>>>0
Zarc: Aaaaaaa.....!
Celina: Ethyn, remember who you are!
Zarc splits into 5 figures and they all teleport away.
Lulu: Where did they go?
Celina: we need to find them
Zuzu: I think Yuya is at his house...
They go to Yuya's house.
Celina knocks on the door and Yuya's mom answers .
Zuzu: Is Yuya here?
Mom: Does Yuya know you?
Zuzu: Yes, why?
Mom: Ok, he's in his room
They go up to his room.
Zuzu: Yuya?
Yuya: Yeah?
Zuzu: Can we come in?
Yuya: Who is it?
Zuzu: It's me, Zuzu!
Yuya opens the door.
Yuya: Zuzu? I don't know a Zuzu...
Zuzu: What? You're messing with me right?
Yuya: No, I honestly don't know any of you...
Zuzu: Well, I'll cya tomorrow at school...
They all go to the park.
Celina: What just happened?
Lulu: I'm worried...
Celina notices Ethyn walking on the walkway threw the park. Celina runs over.
Celina: Ethyn, where were you?
Ethyn: Do I know you?
Celina gets upset by this and sadly slumps back to the group.
Ethyn: Hey, what's wrong?
Celina: You don't remember me..
Ethyn: Sorry, I normally remember people. I don't mind getting to know you....again, I guess
Celina: Ok!
Ethyn: Well, cya around!
Ethyn walks off then Celina blocks his path.
Celina: Please join us for today
Ethyn: Ok, fine...uh?
Celina: Celina!
They walk to the group.
Lulu: Ethyn, do you remember any of us?
Ethyn focuses on lulu.
Ethyn: Have we met before?
Lulu: Yes!
Ethyn sits down and starts texting on his phone. Lulu then slaps him as hard as possible.
Lulu: Remember me now?
Ethyn's eyes flash blue a couple of times.
Ethyn: Lulu?