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It had been a while, a while that Demetrius and Vivian had gotten closer. They spoke every few days, getting to know each other deeply. But the more they did, the more she began to like him, the more afraid Vivian became to tell him about her changes.

They agreed to meet one day for a sober date, for once. Vivian sat in the small, coffee shop on the corner of Parkway in Camden Town. It was run by her close friend and was always a spot she'd come to draw her designs for work; the atmosphere was open but cosy, a place of thriving ideas.

She scratched her 4H pencil across her thick sketchpad paper, working on her newest design of the layout for the latest project from her company.

She couldn't get away from the fact that she was afraid to open up about her new success to Demetrius because she knew he'd be as devastated as she was feeling. Three months was enough for her to grow a connection with someone that she'd been speaking to almost everyday. She sipped her iced tea and tried to keep her mind off of it before she overthought and completely backed out.

When she looked up from over her faux glasses again, she spotted Demetrius walking in. He noticed her and grinned, taking a seat across from her and, firstly letting his eyes run along her look, he spoke, "What're you saying, gorgeous? You look comfortable."

She chuckled and looked down at her sketchpad, "I am comfortable, I'm here all the time, so come here if you ever want to find me," He leaned in and picked up her iced tea, sipping from her straw as well.

Vivian wanted to be civil with herself, but she really couldn't deny that he was beautiful. He looked extra good that day, she thought. His beard was shaped neatly around his full lips, his freshly trimmed hairline was as satisfying as his braided hair. She absently licked her lips in intrigue.

He pulled a face as he looked down at the cold beverage, "This shit is sweet, Viv, you trying to get diabetes or some shit?" he quizzed. His revolted expression didn't leave as he ironically continued to sip it.

"You are a lost cause," she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Alright, what did you want to chat about?" he asked. Vivian hesitated.

"How about you get something to drink first —" she started.

"Nah, nah, I'm good. I'll just sip your diabetes in a glass," he sniggered. He leaned his elbows onto the table and held her eye contact directly. "Tell me, I'm curious."

"A-Are you sure?" Her voice pitched with her nerves. He rolled his eyes and took her hand.

"Tell me. You look like you about to tell man that you like him, but you know I already know."

Vivian dropped her head, as her futile effort to tell him what she was really trying to spit out wasn't leaving her mouth. "Is that really it? Vivian," he chuckled. He reached over the table and lifted her chin, "is that really what you wanted to tell me?" His smile grew.

Vivian didn't know how else to react. She stuttered on her words and that made him believe his own words more. "Why're you so shy? You know I like you too, b, or do I not make it too obvious?"

"Meech, I might be moving," she said abruptly. It shut him up like she wanted, but it brought this look of disbelief across his features before he even spoke a word.

"I'm baft, what do you mean?" his voice lowered, he pulled his hands away and folded inwards. He was already preparing to shut down.

"There have been big changes at work and I got a much bigger role, but it takes place in Singapore." she continued. Demetrius's face looked like a whole mix of different emotions, she couldn't even figure out what he was thinking. His lips parted to speak but he decided against it and looked down at the sugar cubes on the table.

Vivian fiddled with her 4H pencil, so much that it completely slipped from her hands. It tumbled onto the floor, slapping the ground and sounding like the only thing in the whole shop. Silence was sitting as a bubble around them and the pencil had just broken it.

"So I won't be seeing you?" he asked. His tone was deadpan and his eyes never left the white cubes in the cute, bunny-shaped, sugar bowl.

"I have about a month to decide. Yeah... a month." Her voice was hesitant, she didn't want to be too loud, as if everyone was paying attention to them. She felt more self-conscious than ever. "The business is expanding and the best of the team is splitting up to enforce the same that is here in other countries. I'm one of the people going."

"When did you find out?" he finally looked up. It made Vivian feel even worse.

"A while ago, I just didn't know how to approach you about it." Then they sat in silence.

Demetrius watched her in shock. He didn't know what else to say, to ask, to think. His mind began telling him things, things that he knew would resurface.

This is why she wasn't worth your time. She would just get up and walk out of your life, just when you began to fall for her. She was trying to hurt you from the beginning. Scream at her for that. She fucked you over.

He covered his face with his hands and took a deep breath. "I can decline the offer if you want, it isn't too late. If you want me to." Vivian spoke up. He hated that he liked her so much so quickly.

"What would it matter?" he responded behind his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"What would it matter if you declined? I'm a dumbass." he scoffed to himself. Vivian watched in confusion, she reached over and tried to pull his hand from his eyes and he jerked back, resisting the urge to lash out.

He paused. He looked up at her and she seemed petrified, confused, distraught. He sighed, "I'm sorry."

Vivian softened her voice, "You wanna walk around for a bit?" He nodded.

Vivian gathered her stuff, picking up her pencil that she had dropped, and zipped up her side-bag. She left a tip for her friend, and the two of them walked out onto the streets of London in silence. It was a few minutes later that Demetrius grew the courage to take Vivian's hand in his. She threaded her fingers through his and held on tight.

They walked to Saint Martin's Garden, not too far from the coffee shop. The Elysian, October sun shone down on them, as they sat down on a nearby bench.

Vivian finally spoke, "I really like you, like a lot. So I didn't really want to accept the offer. Even then, I like my job here, there are a lot of things I didn't want to leave behind."

"Don't decline an opportunity that'll better you for me. I ain't that special." he responded.

"You think that," she mumbled, "You're one of the changes in my life I kind of wanna keep. My life has been in a bit of a rut."

Demetrius played with her dainty fingers that still sat in his hand. "Take the offer. I will always be here, I ain't trying to be the one to hold you back." She gave him a look of worry, she was more scared of losing him than she had initially realised. He held her face and slowly kissed her, drawing away after a short, few seconds, lifting her chin to meet her eyes.

As he stared at her, he realised that it would be too much for him to handle if he were mad at her for leaving for her own gain, quite irrational too. It was all in his head, his insecurities would jeopardise his chances with Vivian, and he knew he didn't want that at all. Even if he didn't think he was that special, she certainly was.

"Send me postcards." he whispered. Vivian couldn't help but giggle as she met his dark, brown eyes. "Don't worry, it won't change nothing." he reassured. She smiled and closed the gap once more.

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