Seduction Gone Wrong (Juane x Cinder)

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A/N: This is a book filled with smut, everything is written for the mature. Viewer discretion is highly advised. If you aren't willing to read anything mature, just skip from when you see the bold text start, to where it ends. Thanks!

Cinder decides to seduce Jaune to hurt Pyrrha. Little does she know that Pyrrha and Jaune have been fucking for a while and Jaune's stamina has begun to exhaust her. When Pyrrha walks in on them, she is glad to see that Jaune did as she asked and got someone else to fuck as well to let her rest. Pyrrha relaxes to watch Jaune fuck her new harem sister.

It was a calm night at Beacon Academy, the day had gone by quickly, relieving the students from the tiresome, and sometime boring lectures of their professors.

Over in the team CRME dorm, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury were speaking of their classmates.

"Tell me, Emerald, who do you believe we should add to the list of essential targets?" Cinder said as she looked down at the girl on the floor before her.

"There are many potential targets, however, there is one I believe would stand in our way while proving to be an annoying adversary," Emerald said as she scrolled through her list of students.

"And who might this person be?" Cinder asked, sending a curious look towards the illusionist.

"Her name is Pyrrha Nikos, three-time champion of the Mistral Championship. She has proven to be exceptional in all her classes, leaving her undefeated and unmatched in all subjects," Emerald said as she pulled up her records for Cinder to read over.

As Cinder read over her record, she was almost impressed as the girls records and achievements were extensive.

"Is there anyone Miss Nikos holds close to her, someone we could perhaps use to our advantage?" Cinder asked as she handed Emerald her scroll.

"Only one person, she has shown that she has eyes for only one person out of all the first years, a man named Jaune Arc," Emerald said as she pulled up him and his records for Cinder to view.

Cinder eyed his record for a moment before a slightly confused look appeared on her face.

"His record is blank, there is almost nothing known about this man besides his familial ties. How can Miss Nikos be so obsessed with this bland man as you state?" Cinder asked with a confused look.

"At this point, ma'am, a lot of people are still trying to figure that out, all we know at this point is that she really does want him and that he is oblivious of it," Emerald explained to the false Fall Maiden before her.

"Is that so? Well then, I believe I know exactly what to do about this," Cinder said as she stood up from her bed and walked over to her dresser.

"What would that be?" Emerald said as she stayed where she was, sending a confused and slightly concerned look towards Cinder.

"It's quite simple, I shall seduce Mr. Arc and gain his loyalty. With him under my thumb I can use him to influence Miss Nikos, using her own feelings against her," Cinder said with a small smile on her face and fire in her eyes.

"You would lower yourself to try and seduce him? He's nothing! Not even worth speaking to you!" Emerald said as she stood up in shock of Cinder's plan.

"While you may be correct, Emerald, it does not change what must be done. Besides, it could be worse, at least he has a pretty face," Cinder said as she opened up her dresser and grabbed her usual bright crimson dress, walking towards the bathroom to get changed.

"You two get to bed, I plan to be out late tonight, I will tell you of my success in the morning," Cinder said as she walked in and began changing.


Over in the team JNPR dorm, Jaune was getting ready to meet Pyrrha up on the roof for evening training.

As Jaune strapped his weapon onto his waist, he walked over to the door and as he opened it he saw Cinder with a raised hand, about to knock on the now opened door.

"Oh! Hello! Can I help you?" Jaune asked, slightly shocked to see both someone at his door at this hour, but also someone this beautiful.

"Yes, I came to speak with you, Jaune, is it?" Cinder said with a sultry voice, leaning forward into the door frame to give Jaune a generous view of her cleavage.

"U-uh, yes, it is, did you need something?" Jaune asked as he did his best to hide the blush spreading rapidly across his face, turning it a brighter red than the woman's dress before him.

"Yes, yes, I do, may I come in?" Cinder asked as she took a step forward, pushing Jaune back slightly.

"U-u-um, s-sure," Jaune said as he moved aside, letting Cinder in and closing the door behind her.

Cinder walked in and looked around the room, finding nothing of note she rolled her eyes while her back was turned to Jaune.

"So, what was it you needed to talk to me about this late?" Jaune asked as he walked towards Cinder.

"Jaune... Do you have anyone you like?" Cinder asked, her back still turned and a wicked smile on her face.

"What do you mean?" Jaune asked, sitting down on his bed, now on Cinder's right.

"I mean, do you have any girl you are interested in, like, romantically?" Cinder asked, making sure to appear embarrassed as she twirled a finger in her hair and a fake blush appeared on her face.

"Hmm, well, there was Weiss, but she has made it clear she wants nothing to do with me, and there is one other person..." Jaune said as he stared down at the ground with a concerned look.

Cinder smirked at this and moved closer to Jaune, sitting down beside him, her hip touching his.

"Jaune... please... let me be that person for you... I will treat you right, just give me a chance," Cinder said with the sincerest voice she could muster up.

Jaune's eyes widened to the eyes of saucers as he was shocked that this beautiful woman was confessing to him. Never in all his years of living would a woman like this confess anything to him.

Jaune was left speechless.

Cinder stared at Jaune and how he had not responded to her statement, 'Perfect, I've caught him flat-footed, time to pounce' Cinder thought to herself as she took Jaune's hand and in one swift movement, caught his lips with hers.

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