Chapter One ~ Together Since Birth.

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Taylor was a very quiet person. She hardly spoke, and when she did, it was usually to make a comment that creeped out all the other students, which is one of the reasons why she only had one friend – every one avoided her. It never bothered her, as in her mind, she only wanted one person to be her friend and that person already was.

 Ellie and Taylor had been friends since birth – their parents were also best friends. They were pregnant the day after each other, which seemed like a weird coincidence. Another weird coincidence was that their children were born on the same day. They forced the midwives to place their babies in a double cot together. Even when they were one day old, they cuddled up to each other and they’ve had a strong bond ever since birth.

They know what each other is thinking just by their facial expressions and can even finish off each other’s sentences. The only person they’d share food with is each other. In their heads, they only needed each other and they weren’t afraid of losing each other as they knew that would never happen. Never ever.

Boys weren’t an issue for them. Even though they were both sixteen and leaving school in four weeks, they planned to move into an apartment together, which Taylor pleaded with Ellie to let her buy a dog for the special occasion.

 Sure, Taylor and Ellie both had celebrity crushes, but who didn’t? They were the only guys that they were attracted to. In fact, they were both quiet girls, and the only time they spoke was mainly to each other or to order food. Taylor had never been bothered about boys, and when one came to talk to her, she just simply ignored them and forced conversation between her and Ellie, or if alone, she just over-rode them by talking about murder, which of course made them run a mile.

Ellie, however, had had a few boyfriends in the past, but they ended because she wasn’t after anything serious, and one freak even proposed after the first day of them dating, which Taylor never lets Ellie forget.

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