Time alone

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Dani was laying on the bed, she laid still, she was cold. "We should call a ambulance" Christina said then we heard someone whisper "it's no need to call an ambulance, I'm okay, just freezing a little" "ohh DANI" Lauren screamed "give her a blanket" I said and Kath went to get a blanket. "Why are you freezing it's like 30 degrees outside" I said "I-i don't know" she said and took the blanket Kath got for her and went down "I-I'm h-hungry" Dani said "it's alright I make you some waffles" Kath said as she went down "a-are you c-coming?" Dani asked "yeah" I replied and we all went down.

Dani POV

The reason I was cold was because I had cut my self yesterday, but I didn't say. I sat down at the table as Kath came with some waffles, she made five waffles cause that's what I always have, but today I only ate two "is something wrong?" Lisa asked "you only ate two waffles, are you sick?" Christina asked "n-no" I stuttered out but I lied I was feeling dizzy and sick "okay we'll be filming a cover in 15 minutes" Amy said "o-okay I'll be ready i-in t-ten" I said.

Christina POV

"Are you ready?" I shouted and they came to the room where we were filming. We sat down at our spot we started to sing, everybody had done their part it was only Dani left as she started to sing a little then she blacked out. "Stop the camera!" Kath screamed and I went to turn off the camera. "D-Dani??" Lauren said "shhh it's going to be alright Lauren, she only fainted" Amy said. Dani laid on the floor I lifted her up and went in to her room, everybody was following I laid her in Lisa's bed cause that was easiest. "Guys, have you noticed she is always wearing long fitting sweaters" Lisa said "yeah it's weird, we should take it off and take a blanket instead" Amy said. Lauren took off her sweater "g-guys" she said "l-look a-at her w-wrist" she continued. I looked close at her wrists "guys , she cuts herself" I said as my eyes started to water "w-what!" Lisa, Amy and Katherine said "s-she is o-only thirteen" Kath said "why would she do that?" Amy said "guys, do you remember what we read on twitter yesterday?" Lisa said "that they thought she was fat, and couldn't sing?" She continued. Lauren started to cry, "what should we do, I mean mom and dad are on vacation with the boys" Lauren said. Then Dani started to wake up.

Dani POV

I woke up on Lisa's bed with everybody staring at me then I realized I only had my t-shirt on they took of my sweater maybe if I pretend like nothing, maybe they didn't see my wrist "what happend?" I asked "you fainted" Lisa said "ohh" I said then Lauren ran out of the room "what was that about?" I asked "uhm.. Dani we saw your wrist" Kath said "why would you cut yourself?" Christina asked "I-I don't want t-to talk about i-it" I replied "Dani we need to talk about it!" Christina continued "NO" I shouted and ran out off the bed but Amy got to the door before me "Dani get back in the bed" she said "NO" I shouted and pushed her out of the way I ran down the stairs grabbed my skateboard and took it out on the road, I skated to a park that we used to be at. I heard their voices calling my name but it got lower and lower, and soon they were gone. I sat on a bench soon I heard a car and I knew it was Christina and them so I ran into the woods to mine and Lauren's hiding place I knew they would find me but I just wanted some time alone.

Lauren POV

"Lauren were going out to find Dani" I heard Christina said to me "wanna come?" She asked "yes please" I said "now, where could she be?" Kath asked "the park" Lisa said. We drove to the park I saw Dani run into the woods when we came out of the car and looking for her. "In the woods" I said to the others, we went in the woods looking for Dani "guys I know where she is, she's in a treehouse up the hill here" I said and we went up the hill. When we were on top of the hill we heard somebody sing:

I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can take so much

Till I had enough

Cause I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.

Her voice was beautiful but full of tears "up there" I said and we went in the treehouse seeing Dani laying on the floor singing when we came up she screamed "leave me alone" and she went to the window.

Dani POV

I sang to my part of human by Christina Perri I heard someone coming up in the treehouse it was Lauren and Christina and then everyone else then I screamed "leave me alone" then I went to the window it was like six meters down I went out the window sitting in the window I jumped out and fell four meters down on the ground and landed on the side with my shoulder first and I screamed out in pain, then the others came down and ran to me try to get me up but the pain was to much so I just laid there. Christina lifted me up and made me stay on my feet and I tried to walk but then everything went black.


(A/N) yay chapter two. if you wonder the fight

Will happen later in the story

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