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Lauren POV
We came to the hospital, I just raced out of the car not waiting for the others.
"Dani Cimorelli please" I said.
"I'm sorry, but you will have to wait the doctor will come soon" she said.
I nodded and sat down in the waiting room. My family came and we sat there about an hour before the doctor came out.

"Cimorelli?" He asked and everybody (me, Amy, Lisa, Kath and Chrissy) stood up.
"how is she?" Kath asked.
"well her condition isn't the best. May I ask, she have been in hospital before right?" He asked.
"yes she broke a bone in her arm" Christina answered.
"well, her arm didn't heal and it's still broken and may take longer to heal, actually a year at the most. She is thin, it looks like she hasn't eaten anything for four months so she will have to eat or she may die. She is also dehydrated, she need to drink a lot of water. She have lost a lot of blood so she will be feeling dizzy so you must be careful" the doctor said.
"may we see her?" Christina asked.
"yes, room 321" the doctor said and walked away.

We walked in and when I saw Dani laying in the bed, I let a tear roll down my cheek she looked so pale and weak.
I walked over to her bed and took her hand in mine, she tiredly opened her eyes.

"h-hi" she said "hi baby girl" I said.
"I'm s-sorry" she stuttered "what for?" I asked "f-for not being s-strong..." She trailed off as the heart-monitor started to beep slower.

"baby girl please stay awake!" I screamed doctors came into the room and we was sent out.

Dani POV

I woke up in the hospital and realized that I fainted in the kitchen.
The door opened and I closed my eyes, someone walked in and took my hand in theirs.
I tiredly opened my eyes to see those beautiful, familiar brown eyes to my sister Lauren.
"H-hi" I said.
"hi baby girl" she replied.
"I-I'm s-sorry" I stuttered as I felt freezing.
"what for?" Lauren asked.
"f-for not being s-strong..." I trailed off.
I heard the heart monitor started to beep slower and I knew I was dying.
"baby girl please stay awake!" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

She's kidnapped? (dauren fanfic) ~ DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now