love one - (JK request)

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His move, his facial expression, the way he move his feet and body make you fall harder for him.

You sigh as you look away and pout a little.

"he will never notice me" you mumbled and pull your legs together and placed your arms on your knees as you placed your chin on your hands.

"jeongguk? He will never notice you if you dont make a move girl" jimin sat beside you while placing a water bottle between both of you.

You shot him a glare "he have a girlfriend and i wont steal someone's boyfriend jimin, you know that" you sigh

"his girlfriend doesnt even love him tho" jimin shrugged and sip his mineral water.

You frowned "what do you meant jimin?"

Jimin sit closer to you " i saw his girlfriend with other guy. Its not the first time tho" you glance at jeongguk who now have stop dancing and wipe his sweat making you gulp and quickly look away

"and? You dont tell him?"

"i did! But he never believe me. He love that girl so much" jimin pouted while throwing dagger at jeongguk.

"hey jeongguk!" jimin throw the water bottle at jeongguk as he catch it and smile widely at his close friend. "thanks chim!"

Your heart did a skip and you started to blush. You quickly stand up "u-um jimin im going to get a food. Bye" you walk out from the dance practice room quickly.

Jeongguk look at you weirdly and shrugged his shoulder. "you dont want to follow your friend? She look a bit red i think she got a fever or something" jeongguk point at you who just walk out to jimin.

Jimin chuckled "oh i'll go with her and dont worry i know she's fine" jimin said while smiling slyly before walk out to follow you.


"make him like you" jimin smiled

You groaned "shut up jimin. He will never" jimin following you like a lost puppy as you go to your locker to take some books.

"oh please, you should try!" you massaged your temple and shut the locker close making jimin jumped a little.

"oh look thats jeongguk" jimin pointed as you saw jeongguk send his girlfriend off to class as she peck his cheek.

Jimin rubbed his nape in guilt "im sorry you have to see that"

You turn around shrugging off the hurt you felt "nevermind" jimin suddenly wrap his arm around your shoulder turning you around and pull you close. You gasp "jimin! What are-"

"hey jeongguk! Want to go out with us this weekend?" your eyes widen as jeongguk eyes on both of you. Jeongguk walk toward you guys as you start to blush.

"jimin you're so dead after this" you whisper to him as he just smiled innocently and wriggle his eyebrows to you.

"this weekend? Well i think im free" he give you the widest smile that showing his cute bunny teeth as you felt your heart pound.

"great! You dont mind if she go along with us right?" jimin pointed his finger at you. Jeongguk eyes on you as you felt blood crept to your cheek. He then smiled and nod

"why not?"

Jimin fistbump jeongguk "i'll text you later!" you stayed there watching jeongguk walk away to his class.

You push jimin's arm away "I hate you"

"oh please you're gonna love me after this" jimin rolled his eyes.

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