Dating rumor

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You felt an arm wrapping around your waist "have you washed?" you ask as he place his chin on your shoulder and peck your cheek "yes, can we eat now? Im hungry" you chuckled " go ahead i need to finish this first" you said as you continue to wash the dishes. Taehyung pulled away.

Taehyung phone's ringing as sson as you done with your work. He stop eating and answer the call "hello?"

"taehyung, she's looking for you"
Taehyung sigh

"im busy, tell her that"
"can you just show up here? Tell her by yourself? She keeps bothering us"

Taehyung take a glance at you and exit the kitchen, whispering to the phone "look, i dont even want to see her! She's annoying and its been so long since i spend time with haneul since our world tour"

"tell her you dont like her!"
"i did jimin! But she never listened!"
Jimin sigh
"nevermind, we will do our best to keep her away from us, i'll call security and sejin hyung" taehyung nod

"but tae, in evening we have a photoshoot for puma, we'll meet there. Tell haneul i miss her! Bye!"
Taehyung sigh and end the call, staring at his phone

"i just want to spend time with haneul today" taehyung pout

"tae? Whats wrong? Come finish your food!" taehyung smiled as soon as he heard your voice and went to the kitchen

"who called you?" you ask as he sat infront of you. "Jimin. He told me we have a schedule this evening" you nod "i'll be spending the night in our dorm since the photoshoot end in late night" you nod once again and hummed in approval "but really, i wish i dont have to go" he put down his spoon "why?" " i want to spend time with you today" he whined and pout.

You stood up and peck his pouty lips "we'll spend the whole day tomorrow together, dont worry" taehyung smile and continue to dig his food


Taehyung stay still as the lady do his makeup. He look at jungkook through the mirror infront of him "she's not here isnt she?"

"well no, i think? I didnt see her though" jungkook said

Taehyung let out a relief sigh "good"
Jungkook laugh "hyung, have you tell haneul bout this?"

"not yet, i wanted to, but i keep forgot because of our thick schedule"

Taehyung and jungkook stood up and walk toward the other guys to start the photoshoot. After a good 30 minutes posing for the cameras, they decided to take a break.

"taehyung. Bad news." jin went to him as he frowned "she's here"

Taehyung mouth agape "What?! How did she know that we're here? Im dead"

"we didnt know either! Oh there she is. Bye. Im leaving" jin, namjoon and hoseok leave quickly as yoongi pat taehyung's shoulder and leave him "Hyung! You cant do this to me!"

"Taehyung!~" taehyung saw her running towards him and curse under his breath. Taehyung stop her "Sooya,not here..lets talk outside" he said as he walk past her. Sooya smiled and followed him like a lost puppy.

Once they outside sooya run toward taehyung and hug him tightly "Tae..i really miss you~ dont you miss me? Why you're always busy? Where did you go?" taehyung push her gently
"dont do this, many times do i have to tell you this?" sooya pout "but i really do like you"
"but i dont. I dont like you-" taehyung eyes widen as sooya suddenly placed her lips on his. He pushed her a bit harsh quickly "you've gone way too far sooya!" he wipe his lips with the back of his hand "i dont like you and thats final! Accept it. Dont show your face infront of me and my members anymore or i'll call my manager. Leave now" sooya scoffed as taehyung walk past her.


Taehyung's beauty sleep ruined because seokjin keep shaking him to wake him up "taehyung! You brat! Wake up! What have you done taehyung"

Taehyung sat up, rubbing his eyes "what's the noise hyung? What did i do?" hoseok came in his room and slap tae's head making taehyung winced in pain "what's this article?! Its all over the internet!" hoseok shoved his phone infront of taehyung as he read it


and a pic of him and sooya kissing. He drop the phone "no way. NO. Hyung its not true!" Taehyung shook hoseok shoulder. "we know that, you must be framed by her or something, but haneul-" Taehyung face paler as he heard your name "i called her just now and she just cried, not saying anything..i think she already know bout the article" Taehyung got up and take his sweater "Hyung tell manager sejin about this, he must know bout this, tell them i've been framed by sooya. I need to see haneul now" hoeok and seokjin nod
"dont worry, we'll settle this. Namjoon already went to see bang pd about this matter, trust him" taehyung nod


Taehyung called you numerous times but you didnt pick up. He barged in the house that you shared with him "haneul?" he didnt see you and went towards you shared room to see you on a corner of the bed, crying. "Haneul" he sat next to you and brought his hands toward your head.
"Stop, please leave, leave me alone!"

Taehyung saddened "no, baby please listen to me. I-its not true, i swear" you lift your head to look at him.
He sigh as he see your swollen red eyes "how can i believe you? T-the pictures...its you.." you continued to cry harder "a-am i not a good gi-girlfriend to you? I know that i barely say i love you to you. But i really do love you t-tae. I re-really d-do.." you said as you sob hard.

Taehyung shook his head, he always know that you love him "neul, dont say that please, let me explain. Im not dating her. She framed me, she've been following me around even in our world tour, a-and the kissed..she pulled me! I really dont want to but she just suddenly pulled me and kissed me, please trust me"

"why you didnt tell me about her?"

"i really want to, but because of the thick schedule, i keep forgot about it. Im sorry baby, im so sorry" he pulled you in a hug as you sobbed on his chest " i shouldn't have meet her. Its my fault, im so sorry" taehyung pulled the hug to wipe your tears away with his thumb "dont cry please, i hate seeing you cry because of me" you sniffed trying to stop crying.

Taehyung leaned in and peck your lips sweetly "why did you kiss me?!" taehyung frowned at your suddenly burst "your lips still have that woman mark! Wipe it off, wash it, whatever!" taehyung chuckled "i already did as soon as i pushed her"

You cleared your throat "good"
" forgive me?" he tilted his head. You give him a look before quickly leave a kiss on his cheek making him smile. "But no meeting her again. Thats an order from me" you gave him a glare.

He smiled sheepisly before pecking your nose.

"i promise i wont"

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