Chapter 45

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Word count: 5624


We stepped inside the dark house, my breathing was fast.

"Hey, it's going to be alright," Haley said while clutching onto my hand.

I nodded, holding onto Adelia's hand who was still standing behind me.

Colin, Haley and Adelia had agreed to come with. Adelia was mostly worried about Javier.

Then I jumped as the door was slammed shut.

It was completely dark in the house, all the lights were off, which made me feel terrified.

I didn't even have the chance to react before I was grabbed and pulled away. Just as a scream was about to escape, a hand covered my mouth.

A hard body pressed against my back before I felt something hot at my neck, which made me shiver.

"You have no idea how angry you've made me," the all too familiar voice whispered in my ear before he placed kisses all around it.

"Finn," I breathed out.

"You came. Even if you knew that it would probably get you hurt badly, you still decided to come and risk it. Even if you were being a complete idiot."

"Where is Javier? Is he alright?"

Finn immediately growled at my words before I was pushed away from him. "How many times do I have to tell you not to care about other men?"

"Well, we are here for him only and not you."

My words only caused his dark eyes to flash with amusement.

Then he raised an eyebrow. "We?"

I stepped back just as the lights were switched on and Finn saw who I had brought with me.

"Where is Javier?" Adelia asked suddenly, worry plastering all over her features.

My mate rolled his eyes before pointing towards the living room. "Look for yourself."

What we saw, might have been a little too extra but since Finn had done it then it wasn't a surprise. But there was Javier's limp body sitting in a chair, his hands and legs were bound to the chair with rope.

"Javier!" Adelia screeched before running over to him, cupping his face in her hands. "Come help. I can't get these ropes off."

All of us immediately rushed over to help her as she tried to wake Javier up, who was completely unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" Adelia yelled at Finn.

I glanced back at my mate, only to see him shrug simply. "I just knocked him out. He should be waking up soon. Or maybe the hit was too strong and he might need to be taken to the hospital."

"You son of a bitch," Adelia shouted. "He is your best friend, so how could you do this to him?"

My whole body froze as the locking of a door was heard. "Who says that all of this wasn't for a reason?"

Realization hit me.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. "It's a trap. It was all just a trick to lure us here."

"Aww," I heard Finn clap his hands together. "Good job, Lenore. For once you do something right. But sadly, you still didn't make the right choice." Then he added, "Although if you hadn't come then I still would had come to look for you and we'd still end up right here. So I guess the choice thing doesn't matter."

Finn's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now