Chapter Eleven: Into the Outer Rim

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Anakin exhaled deeply into the thin air that circulated the ship, the pressure of the two people on the ice planet in the distance had him on edge. Mace Windu had yet to send any information of their captor. The last contact between the two Jedi had been near the Hutt territories when the master had instructed Skywalker to remain at a distance until the archives were pulled. The young Jedi opened his eyes eagerly from his meditation, a chill traveled over his skin and a sudden feeling as if something was wrong washing over him. He stood up from his position on the floor of his quarters, stretched and moved out to the cockpit in a slow manner, not wanting to alert the troopers.

“Any word from Master Windu yet, Rex?” Anakin asks as he enters into the dark cockpit. Rex looked up from the board and shook his head.

“Not since we left the Inner Rim, Sir,” Rex said, he looked wearily at the planet. Anakin sighed, reaching out to find his old master in the force, but he was left confused and concerned that he could not. Anakin sighed, running his fingers over his chin and jawline, there was something wrong about the planet, or at least a small portion of it.

“Something doesn't feel right,” Skywalker mumbled. Rex turned around to face him, a question sitting on the tip of his tongue, interrupted by a hologram fizzing to life over the control board. Skywalker drew a short breath, his eyes took in the figure that loomed silently. His face had a group of scars running down one side of it, his hair was parted center and was past his ears, he wore a uniform of some sort, it was hard for Anakin to tell what kind it was. The man smirked.

“I can almost feel your frustration, Jedi,” the man said, a smile thick in his voice. Rex moved slowly over the board, searching for the location of the transmission. As he did, the image of the man began to fade and become static. Rex looked over to the jedi who lifted his hand, signalling for the Captain to wait. Anakin once again tried to feel the presence of Obi Wan and the Duchess below but he had no luck, as he had before. The man smiled menacingly and the hologram disappeared with a static hum. Frustrated and confused, Skywalker groaned and leaned over the control board, lights flashing and pulsating beneath his eyes.

“The ship’s magnetic signature!” Skywalker exclaimed after a few moments passed.

“We could trace its trail,” Rex began, “or, if it’s been too long, we could at least pick up its relative position.” Skywalker sat down and began to press onto buttons, the same with the Captain beside him.

“Preparing for a full planetary scan,” Skywalker said.

“We’ll lose a sufficient amount of power if we scan that amount of distance at once,” warned Rex.

“We’ll lose a sufficient amount of time if we don't,” the jedi paused, took a breath and looked over at him.

“Make sure it doesn't take from the life support, engines or hyperdrive, all else is fine,” Skywalker said in desperation.

“Yes, sir,” Rex responded. After some short time said, “Ready for the scan, sir.” Anakin nodded and commenced the scan. The two held their breath as the emergency lights gave a dim glow to the cockpit. A faint red blip appeared on the ship’s interface, a thin trial of red followed behind it like a tail. They released their breaths in unison, Anakin looking out at the planet and contemplating his next move.

“Sir,” Rex said, the Jedi returned his gaze to the glowing blue screen where another blip had appeared not far from the first.

“She must’ve kept a tracking device on her,” Skywalker said.

“Or it could be him trying to lead us into a trap,” Rex said, moving the ship into the atmosphere.

“Either way, it’ll lead us to something or someone,” Skywalker said with determination.

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