Plotter vs Pantser

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Are you a plotter, or a pantser? If you aren't familiar with what these terms mean, let me define them for you.

A plotter is someone who plans out their novel BEFORE they write it. A panster is pretty much the opposite.

A pantser writes on impulse, they often have an idea of what's going to happen in a chapter, but they don't necessarily plan each step. Pansters are winging it, so to speak.

I, personally, consider myself a bit of both. I don't plan out an entire novel before I write it, but I do usually plan a few chapters ahead in advance. You don't have to be just a plotter or a panster, you can be in between.

Alright, so pros and cons.

Plotter Pros

-A plotter has their novel planned out ahead of time, less stress on their part.

-Plotters can write with a clear idea and outline of what needs to happen, and know what direction their story needs to go in. They know how to get from point A to point B.

Plotter Cons

-Having everything planned out ahead out ahead of time can be confining. A plotter is confined to their plans, which can mean less creativity. Writing can begin to feel like a chore if you already know what's going to happen.

-If a plotter suddenly gets a groundbreaking idea or an insane plot twist that they want to implement, they have to go back and change their whole outline. This takes a lot of time and redoing your outline kind of ruins the entire writing experience.

Panster Pros

-Pansters are flexible.

-If a panster wants to take their novel in an entirely different direction, they can. Pansters kill characters, throw in plot twists, and etc very easily. They aren't being held hostage by an outline.

Panster Cons

-Without an outline to follow, pantsers can get stuck easily.

-If a panster gets stuck, they have to find a way to get unstuck. Writer's block sucks, and when you don't have an outline leading you in the right direction, things get a whole lot harder. Pansters often have tons of unfinished books due to this issue.

So, tell me. Are you a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in between? Which do you think is the best strategy?

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