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Telluride, Colorado brought one of the coldest nights that I have experienced in all my 17 years of living in this town. Snowfall was picking up heavily, not a shocker to me as it was the 17th of January. Usually around the 20th roads were completely covered in layers of snow, yet this year the snow came early. However, the wind ruffling through my hair, the frozen air biting at my fingers and burning into my feet wasn't going to stop me from what I was about to do.

You see, about five minutes ago I had received a text from my boyfriend at 11:09 PM telling me that he wanted to see me. Now this, was completely unusual. Why you ask? Well, my boyfriend of 1 year and 4 months was fully aware that my parents did not allow me to leave the house after 9 pm. Amongst that, he was not particularly the apple of my mother's eye, therefore seeing him sometimes would be a bit of a complication. But something at the back of my mind was telling me to go. I had a gut feeling that tonight things would change. For the better or the worst, I have yet to find out.

So as I shove my cellphone into my jean pocket after checking if I've received any messages from my boyfriend, and after successfully sneaking out of my parents house, I wrap my jacket tighter around my figure, making my way to his house.

The wind was brutal, trying but failing at its attempt to knock me to the ground. I kept moving forward until I reached his house. Stepping foot onto the snow covered grass, I see that the porch lights are turned off.

Funny. Normally his parents leave the lights on, to make it seem as if someone's home in case anyone tries intruding. Nevertheless, I shake off the weird feeling I have, walking hurriedly over to the door in an attempt to get out of the cold. I bring my knuckles onto the wooden door in slow raps, not wanting to disrespect his parents if they were home.

No one answers. Confusion laces my mind as I check my phone once again to see if I'd gotten a text from Arden, perhaps telling me that he had gone out with his family or something. I see nothing. I knock once more, still receiving no answer. Maybe he'd fallen asleep.

I remember for our 7 month anniversary he had gotten me a necklace with the key to his house as a charm.

"What's this key for?" I laugh, holding the silver chain in my hand.

Arden chuckles, his green eyes twinkling in the sunshine, making them look like something you only see in pictures. He pulls me closer, bringing his lips to the corner of my ear. "Home is where the heart is, mi amor. You are my shelter from the storm, the home I return to every day. One day," He pulls away and smiles, holding my hand with the necklace placed delicately inside,"You're going to be my wife. And we'll not just share the same surname, the children, no. But we'll share the same bed, the same house."

"Those are all things I can promise you until I can fulfil them. For now, I can only offer you the key to the house I've grown up in. Until...I can give you the keys to our house."

My eyes widen. My boyfriend, Arden Michaels, the player who never settles down, never brings any girl to his house, has given me the key to openly walk inside his house when I want.

I guess he truly meant it when he said he'd change for the one he loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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