02- Red Sky At Night

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I would have loved it if Jade shut her mouth.

I would have loved it even more if my mind (and apparently hers) didn't keep drifting to certain...points in my life.

As soon as I'd set foot in New York, I'd been bombarded by questions about my vacation.

How was it?

Did you see anyone get shot?

How did the food taste?

How did the men taste?

I hadn't replied at all, and she had pouted for the past three days. And to be honest, I didn't care.

I was cranky. And it showed.

"Girl," Jade said, "If I had been there, I would had sampled everything! Everything would have been new- and exciting!"

"For you, maybe." I flicked a bug off my skirt casually, as if the thing hadn't just given me a heart attack. "I lived there all my life, remember? Trinidad isn't exactly new territory for me."

Lie. I may have lived there my entire life, but I could still get lost in Port-of-Spain.

"Desireé. What happened to you over there?" Jade's blue eyes were clearly resisting the urge to roll.

Probably as much as I was resisting the temptation to punch her in the nose.

"I told you, nothing special." Lie. "The usual. Visiting the family, eating a ton of food, sitting in my hotel room..."

Casually visiting another...

I blinked, and took another spoonful of my cookies and cream deliciousness. Jade smiled.

"At least you're not too snitty to stuff your face," she said with a wink.

"Not in a million years," I said around my spoon, "will I ever be too upset to eat."

Her eyes flickered guiltily. Oh no.

"Jade..." I dragged out the 'e'. I didn't have to say much at all. She'd crack in four seconds.

"Ok! Damn it, you don't have to glare like that!"

Hm. Three point five. A new record.

"Becker took your account, Desireé."

"The Arceneaux account? Damn it!"

I stuck the spoon in the ice cream and frowned. Mike Becker was always doing this to me. It sucked that he wanted the Communications Director position I had my eye on. And it didn't help that he had his eye on me as well.

Ctrl X was a diverse group of companies that specialized in Public Relations, Consumer Goods, anything under the sun. I'd been working there for three years, and I was ready to advance in my sector. Unfortunately, so was he.

"That would have set me for life," I whined. "From what I heard, Arceneaux is pretty ruthless, important, and wealthy. He's just stepped out from under his father's wing, and has a pretty big, bad image right now."

"Is he cute?" Trust Jade to focus on what's important.

"I don't know. I didn't want to jinx it by focusing too much on it."

Jade twirled her spoon around her fingers. I smiled. Seven years, and she couldn't break that habit. She'd never change.

"Becker gave an impressive pitch. Not as good as your best, but good enough. And since you hadn't given them anything..."

"...they just passed it to him." I groaned.

My proposal was there, on the company database. It was public knowledge, stamped with my signatures. Though I'd had limited information on the client himself, I'd learnt enough about his business habits.

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