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I don't know what those thing are, but what I do know is that one of them is standing right behind me.

It's finally Friday! After a long week of drama, stress, lots of caffeine and more stress I can finally take a two-day break. Finals week is closer than it seems and I'm just not ready for them. My friend Emily asked me to hang out with her and some of her friends today to relax before finals week but I kindly rejected her request.
School is what I revolve my life around. My parents put a lot of pressure on me because they want me to succeed in where they failed, but I place more pressure on my own shoulders than my parents do. For years I have gone through countless hours of studying, that left me restless. The only thing that helped me get through my day was the sweet power of caffeine, which I absolutely hate and of course the thought that regardless of the situation, I should not let my parents down. I needed to ace these tests or else I would beat myself down for this for a long time.

I got inside of my car and drive home. Nothing too interesting happened on my way home, I passed on a red light by accident but there were no cameras and everybody is innocent until proven the opposite, or at least that's why my father used to say.

It seemed like today would be like any other day. My lame ass would get home, take a big shit, get in my pajamas and then study for the rest of the night. My parents were not going to be home for about a week since my grandmother had recently passed away and they traveled to Mexico City for my grandmas funeral. I'm not heartless, I was sad when the news about my grandma first arrived but as I said before my studies came above everything else.

I sit down on my chair and pulled it closer to my desk. I got in a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a graphic shirt that says, "Goth Teenager Costume." After about one hour of hardcore studying, I took a little five-minute break. I decided to check my phone to see if anybody has tried to call me since my phone was in silence all this time. As soon as I unlocked my lock screen a green icon popped up in my notifications. Once I took a close look at it, it was a missed call icon and it states, "Emily missed call (5)."

What in the fucking world is happening? Did something happened to her, she never calls me, especially when she's with her other friends. Maybe she just ran out of money and need somebody to lend her a few bucks to buy pizza or something like that. I'm sure it was not something serious I don't need to call her back, I think. But what if somebody tried to rape her and she needs my help? what if somebody kidnaps her and they were calling me to get help? I need to call her back!

When I was going to call her back, I was interrupted by a screen stating that there was an incoming call from Emily. I immediately answered and the voice in the other line surprised me it was definitely Emily, but there was something strange with her.

"Hello? Elli! My little precious Elizabeth, where are you? I miss you! You little dummy, WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?"

"Emily? Is that you? You sound a little--"

I was interrupted when the sudden realization of the situation came to me. She was drunk, and now I would have to go pick her little ass up.

"Where are you? I would like to join the fun too."

"YAY! I am at Jim's house, the back door is open just be careful with the *hip* dog. Hey! that's my spot!"

Emily hanged up the phone before I was able to tell her to stay where she is and not to wander around but at least I knew where to find her. I went to grab my keys, put some sandals on and head off to Jim's house.

Thankfully, Jim's house was not far from where I live, at much it was 12-15 minutes away. When I arrived there was nobody outside and all the lights were off. I entered the house, through the back door as told to, but there was no dog whatsoever. Maybe Emily's drunk brain was playing games with her. I did not think much of it and just try to focus on what I came to do, find Emily. I tried calling her but it would just send me directly to voice mail. I tried calling Jim but it will send me to voice mail as well. Out of options, I decided to just walk around and try to find them.

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