Summer 1965

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Since High School, you'd always been quite the outcast. You never knew what it felt like to have a boyfriend. You never knew what it felt like to be prom queen. You never knew what it even felt like to have sex. The girls in the locker room knew about everything you didn't do. They'd laugh at you to each other and tease you all throughout school. Maybe it was just that they needed some entertainment, some kind of empowerment. Being regular whores may be boring after a while ya know? After all the dicks that's widened them and all that cum that's thrown off their mouths hygiene, you'd be mad too. Yea, you got picked on but you always had comebacks. Most of the time you didn't even bother with them, you were more interested in your future dream job. The world famous photographer. You admired many greats in your senior year like Diane Arbus and beautiful artists like Andy Warhol. You wanted to be just like them. It wasn't until the summer of 1965 (3 years after graduating high school) was when you got your biggest assignment ever.

Allen: Hello Ms.(Y/N), this is Allen Klein, do you have a moment?

You: Allen Klein? I'm sorry sir, you may have the wrong number.

Allen: You're the girl who does the photography all over right?

You: Ye...Yes that's me

Something felt so odd about this phone call to you , it felt kind of like a prank. This guy (whoever the hell he was) was asking for you BY NAME yet barely knew what you REALLY did.

Allen: My band needs some kind of advertisement photographs. Kind of like ahhhh... a picture book. They all agreed to kind of make an intimate project for the fans. Documenting the bands everyday life for 5 months straight.

You: You have a band?

Allen: You have to be kidding me, I'm the manager of The Stones.

You: Forgive me, I was never really into music as much as art and photography. I'm ignorant to it actually.

Allen: We're willing to pay good, the offer is yours if you want it.

You: Of... of course sir. My only problem is that I don't REALLY have money to get to travel or to even live from out of where I am now.

Allen: It's covered!

The next day had come and you were up early for your next flight. Even though this opportunity wasn't really your first choice of photography, you were very thankful for the..."out of the blue" honor to finally have a paying gig that would be recognized all over. This would probably be your big break. You start packing your professional outfits and all your equipment and a little chain your grandmother gave you for good luck and of course you slid your purity ring on your finger, a promise to yourself to withhold from sex and any other wrong doings. You finally make it on the flight and your heart is beating fast, you were ready to finally take on such an opportunity. Your excitement turned into tiredness very fast. You began to drift off...

"Ma'am ma'am, excuse me"
You heard a voice say in your ear, you open you eyes and adjust yourself in your seat.
"Yes" you say rubbing your eyes.
"Sorry to wake you but everyone has left the plane, you were sleeping pretty hard. I may have called you 5 times" he says laughing.
"Thank you so much" you say chuckling and standing up, grabbing your things and exiting the plane.
You make your way to the airport and there's a bunch of people walking fast past you and in front of you. You're still drowsy from the nap you took. As you continue walking you feel a hard tap on your shoulder .
"(Y/N)?" The man said turning you around.
"Allen" he said reaching his hand out for a handshake. "Very nice to meet you, walk with me, I have a car our front"
You barely had any time to get any words out and you were kinda creeped out that he knew you by face. It was already creepy enough that he called you out of nowhere for the offer. Something inside you made you feel like you were being watched , it was weird.
You two make it to the front where a driver is parked in a all black window tinted car.
Allen opens the door for you and points you to the back. You sit in your seat and hold your purse close.
"How the hell do you know me so well and why did you pick me for this project"
You say looking him in his eyes hard.
"You were hand picked (Y/N)... that's all", he said smiling.
Everything felt so damn weird, it felt like a set up, you felt so uneasy and so....out of place.
The whole car ride was silent until the car pulled up to a house that was tucked away hiding in some trees. It was obvious a rich person lived there because it was gorgeous.
The car pulled up to the long trail driveway and stopped abruptly. "Here we are (Y/N)" Allen said getting out the car and opening the door for you. You get out and the car pulls off fast on the odd hidden trail. "The boys should be here by now" Allen said walking up to the front door and knocking hard. You slowly walk up behind him and wait quietly next to him in front of the door. After the 5th knock the door swings open rudely with a loud British accent screaming "You fucks didn't hear the goddamn door?". There stood a tall leggy short haired guy draped with a velvet jacket.

"Pardon (Y/N), so sorry to curse in front of the lady but Allen, fuck em" he said standing there in the doorway, arms crossed

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"Pardon (Y/N), so sorry to curse in front of the lady but Allen, fuck em" he said standing there in the doorway, arms crossed. There it was again, those hairs on the back of your neck standing up as the guy in the velvet jacket called you by name. You've never met him in your life, how would he know your name? "I'm Keith" he said smiling and adjusting his jacket. "Come in, come in" he said pulling you in and closing the door behind you. "I'm happy to have you here" he said walking you to the living room. "Being ummm... how do I say this.... SUGGESTED... should be such an honor" he said chuckling. "I want you to be as COMFORTABLE as you can be, while here, you'll be staying in our personal apartment." he said turning the t.v on and sitting on the couch. "Umm, I'm okay I can stay in a hotel" you say clutching your purse harder. "NONSENSE" a voice coming from the kitchen said. The footsteps came closer and closer to the living room where you, Allen and Keith stood. "If anything (Y/N), I'll give you my bed PERSONALLY" a guy said walking  into the living room opening. He stood there with a stripped button up and dark purplish trousers. His hair was gorgeous, his mouth was naturally pouted and his eyes were a bright gorgeous blue.

He stood there looking you up and down as if you fit some kind of description he was

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He stood there looking you up and down as if you fit some kind of description he was... expecting. "Matter of fact, I can show her to her room right now" he said moistening his lips with his tongue slowly. Your heart caved in as he walked closer and closer to you, grabbed your hand and kissed it. "I'm Mick...this way" he said turning around and moving his fingers in a "come here" motion behind himself.

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