Brian, be good!

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You trailed behind him as he walked back
Into the houses back door. He walked fast as hell, it was hard to keep up with him through the long halls of the house. "Mick!" you said speed walking behind him through the house. "I need to talk to yo-" before you could finish your sentence the houses lights shut off one by one, room by room. You were left in the middle of a cold hall in pitch black. You leaned against the wall and started to feel all around like a blind man. You used your feet to tap on the floor so that you could feel if there were steps around. You knew NOTHING about this house, especially not direction. It was so oddly huge for no reason. You started to panic in the black hallway. Everything was silent, you didn't even hear Mick's footsteps anymore he'd long ignored your calling and disappeared. You felt silence and you heard silence, that weird feeling that we all feel when nobody's around but we feel an odd presence starring at us. You started to feel on the walls harder for a doorknob or something, a room you could slip
into and turn a light or something. Soon as you walked to the end of the dark hallway you saw a small light coming from afar. You ran blindly and shoved the door open. "AHHHH, what the fuck" a guys voice said while cupping his hand with his penis. He was naked on top of the bed sheet, penis in hand with socks on. He had golden blonde hair and soft eyes that could stare a hole into your heart. You ran into the room and shut the door hard behind you. "Please help me please! I was outside and then the lights turned off and I just wanna go home and I just want you to plea-" he jumped up out of bed and placed a pillow over his penis. "Have you escaped?" He said looking into your eyes concerned. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING about I just wanna go home!" you said crying. "Have you escaped... home... I mean, I'm sorry (Y/N), what a rude introduction, im Brian" he said extending his arm for a handshake. "I DONT WANT ANY MORE OF YOU GUYS' FUCKING HANDSHAKES OR INTRODUCTIONS" you say slapping his hand away. "That's a shame" he said smiling and sitting back down. He removed the pillow from his genital area and laid back on the bed. "You have beautiful hands (Y/N)" he said softly. "A purity ring... so classic" he said reaching out for your hand. "May I see?" For some reason when he grabbed your hand he calmed you down, it's like you'd been injected with something, almost... hypnotized. You sat on the bed next to him and laid your head on his shoulder, "I'm so selfish you know?" you started rambling as your eyes began to close themselves. Slowly and slowly you began to feel weak. You stood up to try to gain consciousness and before you knew it, you looked down at your finger to see a small needle hole in it and your lifeless body fell to the hard cold bedroom floor. Everything went black...

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