"Keith The Poem"

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You jumped and sat up so hard in bed that your back hit the wooden headboard. You sat there staring at the blonde hair. You were stuck, it's like it was looking right back at you. *Knock *knock *knock "Rise and shine (Y/N)" Keith said opening your bedroom door with a bottle of whiskey in one hand. You grabbed the pillow and flipped it over so it didn't reveal the hairs. "Oh...kay thanks Keith" you said trying to act normal. Keith nodded, took a swig of his drink and closed the door back. There was something about Keith that made you get this protected vibe from him. He wasn't afraid of Mick and he was a free soul. His nonchalant attitude seemed like it was created from events from his life. That Keith was a poem... an unsolved one. One you had to read over probably 3 times to actually GET. You rose from the bed and went into the bathroom down the hall, it was so fancy and big. The shower was huge and comfortable. The walls of the bathroom were a baby blue and the floors were all white, gorgeous. You closed the door behind you, turned on the shower and got in. The water felt so good running from your face down to your legs and slightly passing over your poked out lips of your vagina. The shower was therapeutic but a cloud of confusion stood over you while you thought of last night. "It was just Mick (Y/N)" you said to yourself soaping up your rag. "Just some stupid threads from the pillow that's all..." you closed your eyes and scrubbed your face under the shower stream when you felt a hand grab you from behind. You screamed and threw the rag, quickly wiping the soap out your eyes and turning around. "Damnit baby, it's me" Mick said laughing and peaking through the half open shower curtain. "Don't do that Mick, you scared the shit out of me" you said dropping your arms. "Oh nooo, Ive just come to say good morning " he said stroking your wet hair off your face. "Listen, I want you to come downstairs for breakfast soon as your done" he said leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him. It was so weird how Mick said things without waiting for a response. He had this whole kick for having the last word or something. It's almost like you weren't allowed to respond when Mick talked to you, you pretty much just... obeyed. You got out the shower and grabbed a towel, they were so small and barely fit around your whole body. You tried your hardest to hold the kiddie towel up on your wet naked body while walking back to your room in the cold long hallway. When you arrived at your bedroom door, it was locked. "What the fuck" you said jiggling the door knob. "UGHHH!, who the fuck did this" you continued to push and pull on the door when Keith's head poked out a door near the middle of the long hallway. "Need some help doll?" He said with a cigarette in his mouth. He walked out his room and walked over to where you were. "These doors can be tricky sometimes" he said digging in his pocket and pulling out a key. You stood back and stared in shock at him open your bedroom door with a key he had. "There you go" he said pushing the door open. "WHY were you in my room?" You said softly. "Baby I wasn't, I don't know anything about that stuff, alls I know is what I'm handed" he said taking a drag of his cigarette. "So someone gave you a key to my room?"
You said angrily. "I don't want you all upset" he said scratching his head. "GET OUT!" You said pushing him out the door and locking it. You plopped on your bed aggressively. You felt so stupid that you thought Keith was different this morning. The only one you could trust was Charlie, he was right all along. You got up and reached in your closet for a dress for breakfast. You laid it out on the bed gently but something caught you off guard. You examined your bed quickly and realized that your second pillow was gone. The one that had the blonde hairs was gone. You shuffled through your bed sheets and comforter trying to find it... but nothing appeared. Did someone come in your room and take it? Your thought was interrupted with a loud "AHHHHH FUCK! YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!!!" ringing loudly down the hallway. You threw your dress on and leaned out your bedroom door into the hallway to see Brian walking down the hallway holding the back of his head. You saw him go into the bathroom and stare in the mirror furiously. You noticed he had just woken up from the look on his face and him still being in pajamas. "WHO CUT MY FUCKING HAIR?!" He said screaming to the top of his lungs. Everyone ran to the top of the stairs, Mick first, then Bill, Keith and Charlie. "Fucks the problem?" Mick said walking into the bathroom. Brian shoved his head in Mick's face as Mick examined it. "Someone fuckin got you good" Mick said bursting out with laughter. "You DICK!" Brian said pushing Mick out and slamming the bathroom door. Everyone filed downstairs back to the breakfast table and you followed. You sat next to Mick without him even telling you. You sat there with another thing on your mind confusing you, who'd done it? You didn't touch our food at all, eyeing everyone at the table in disgust. "Something on your mind...(Y/N)" Bill said taking a sip of his juice. You couldn't take the tension building up inside you anymore. First, you didn't say anything about Brian who drugged you and you didn't say anything about Keith having a key to your room and now this? You'd had enough. You stood from the table and slammed a glass cup down, shattering it everywhere. Mick looked up at you in disgust. "You fucking sit down" he said in a whisper. "No!" you said still standing. "I said RIGHT fucking now (Y/N), you're gonna regret this" he said loudly. His voice sounded like thunder as he spoke, making your legs shake. "NO! I WANT TO GO HOME" You said slamming more dishes down on the table. Mick stood up and reached his hand back exposing his backhand to you. Charlie stood up fast grabbed his arm before he could slap you. "MICK!" He said throwing Mick's hand down. "Would you stop!" Charlie and Mick stood there looking at each other as Mick slowly sat back down in his chair. Charlie sat down afterward still looking Mick down. "The weather outside Is a beauty" Keith said lighting a cigarette. "FUCK THE WEATHER! I want the key to my room NOW!" You said extending your hand. Keith looked at you in confusion. "Key?" He said taking a drag of his cigarette. "I don't know what you're taking about" he stabbed into his eggs and began eating. "You lying FUCK!" you said with tears filling your eyes. The tension broke when Brian's footsteps began trotting down the stairs. "What the fuck is all the commotion about? Do you ONLY fucking care about yourselves in this house?" He said putting a hat on his head to cover his bald spot. You couldn't take it anymore, the lies, the ignoring. You ran upstairs into your room and slammed the door behind you. Mick stood up to go after you. Half way while he was up the stairs he came back to the table, bent down next to Charlie and whispered in his ear, "If you EVER tell me what to do with one of my women again, I'll burn you in your fucking bed" Mick slowly walked up the stairs and Charlie began eating silently. You sat on the window sill, looking blankly into the distance. You saw the green grass and the big trees and that long trail you first saw when you came. Such a simpler time when you were back home. Your thoughts were interrupted with Mick storming in your room, shutting the door behind him and locking it. "Rule number one" he said walking over to you. "Don't you EVER fucking talk when you aren't spoken to" he said pulling your hair backward. "Number two" He said standing you up and pushing you against the wall. "You ALWAYS do what your told"
He pushes you again against the wall, holding your hands above your head, pinning them to the wall, he digs his face into your neck and starts to kiss, then bite hard. "I'm sorry Mick" you said kissing his cheek. He ignored you and continued. His face went from your neck, down  deep in your heaving cleavage. Mick goes quickly from your breasts to your mouth and licks your lips. Lifting you up from the ground by your thighs, he stands between your open legs wrapped around his small waist and pushes up against your middle, his belt buckle moving in circular motions over your panties covered vagina. Still on his waist, his hands holding you up by your ass, he walks you over to the bed and throws you down. He zips his pants, turns you over and gets on top of you. "You promised me (Y/N)" whispering in your ear from behind. "I still do Mick" you said with your face buried in your pillow. He reached down under his stomach and pulled your panties down from under your dress. You feel his warm chest on your back as he penetrates you from the back, this position made more length go inside you plus he had all control. He grabs your hair and continues to pound inside you, all you can hear is the bed, his heavy breathing in your ear, your head throbbing and his chest constantly slapping up and down on your back. "You disobeying me" He said in between breaths. "Sometimes ends good, sometimes ends bad" He turned you over on your back and got back on top. "Don't you ever fucking catch me on the bad days" He smiles and holds your forearms down on the pillow above your head after inserting himself in you once again. He slides in you once again and your body shakes with every stroke "Tell me you love me" he says dipping down for a lick at your tongue while your mouth is hanging open in pleasure. He swipes down for a suck at your nipples "Whats my fucking name huh?" He starts to go faster and faster, the bed just won't shut up. The squeaking is louder and with every question he asks he gets louder and the grip of his hands on yours gets harder and more aggressive. "Say it" he demands. The words can't come out or your mouth because your body is in complete overload and shock. All you could do is breathe. It was just faster and faster and faster until he collapses on top of you with his face dug in your neck. His sweat and your sweat are both felt. You rub his back and scratch it some as if its a late response to all that's just happened. He raises up and kisses your ear. He moves off of you and lays there on the other side of the bed out of breath. After 5 minutes, Mick raises up from the bed. "I don't want this to happen again (Y/N)" he said adjusting his belt. "I swear" you said sitting up in bed. Mick sucked his lip and  nodded his head. He opened the bedroom door letting a gust of cold wind in. You heard his footsteps slowly leave the hall. Then you heard some footsteps come right back. You sat up straight, thinking he'd come back to teach you another lesson but it wasn't him. It was a small paper that slipped under your door. You jumped out of bed and swung the door open to see who'd slipped it under there. Nobody was there. You closed the door and took the note and opened it. "I hope it's a boy, I've always wanted a boy" the note said. Your hands shook in fear as you read the confusing note.

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