Pregnant?? Pt 2

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Claire's POV
I was heading to Adym room and I was starting a conversation with him. Like what do you think your family with think of me or do you think they will like me?

Adym's POV

As Claire was talking to me I noticed she was nervous about something. As she was finishing up her sentence I asked her "Hey what's up and You look like you need to clear your mind or something" I said worryingly. She looked down and Sighed. Adym I need to tell you something my heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched a little.
Adym...You know how I have been sick every morning. I nodded my head slowly signaling to go on. She took a deep breath and blurted out "Adym I think I'm pregnant." My heart sank as those words came out of her mouth. I just got up and yelled at her without thinking I said "You know what I can't handle this get the fuck out.
NOW!" I felt the Anger boiling inside of me.
Claire's POV
As he yelled at me I felt the tears streaming down my face. I just got up and ran out of his apartment and ran all the way home, tears flying in the air as I ran not caring what was in my way. As I reached my apartment I ran in my room, locking the door and quickly slid down the door bawling my eyes out.  I heard a knock on the door not caring at all I just kept crying the living shit out of myself.  I heard a key unlocking the door and felt a slight push on my back. 
  I stood up and saw Kayla immediately pull in a hug while crying on her shoulder.  She just rubbed my back and tried to get me to stop crying.  As I start to stop she asks me what is wrong.  I told her the whole story and she got up   "I'm going to beat the living shit out of him!!!" No I pull her back just let him cool off. 
     As I say that her body untenses which we both didn't know was tense. We both let out a giggle.  But she then says she is going to go get 12 pregnancy tests for me.  "Twelve? Really?! That much?"  She nods and walks out the room before I can say anything else.

When Kayla gets back

When Kayla gets back she hands me a bag filled with 12 pregnancy tests so I go pee on all of them.  Now for the results...I'm so nervous.

So when I turn them around covering my eyes I look down crying at the results...


Ahh a cliffhanger eh? Lmao I'm updating again now so don't worry there is going to be results soon.

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