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I don't know where to start with this, but I feel like I need to tell someone about it, so what better way is there than putting it out on the internet, hell maybe someone with have an answer for this shit show.

It all started about 10 weeks when my dog Eva escaped from the back yard, she was like my baby, I honestly loved her so much.

1 day passed, there had been about 30 sightings from around my little village, but no one could catch her. Every time we got a text or call we were where she had been sighted within 5 minutes, nothing.

The next day, not as many, but still enough for us to believe we could catch her.

The third day, absolutely nothing, my mum told me to prepare myself for the worst, I cried for the rest of the night.

A week passes. We'd given up, accepted that she was probably dead, mum tried to convince me that someone had probably found her and taken her in by now, she even said she'd have been happy if they caught her and wanted to sell her on, then at least she would be alive and well, but the world had it out for us, it always had.

Then, a miracle happened, my mum and I were driving down a road she'd been spotted on and there she was! She was cold and wet and dirty, but alive, and looked rather well fed. We couldn't believe it, I was sobbing, and went to hug her but she started snarling and backing up.

This was weird for Eva, she was the most loving dog we'd ever had, whenever you'd sit down she'd jump on you and pretty much smother you, but now she was hostile. We put this down to her just being scared and wild, it wasn't unusual for animals to return to their natural instincts after being in the wild for a long period of time. Mum slid a lead around her neck and led her to the car where she thankfully jumped in.

When we got back we washed her down with the hose as she still growled it anyone went near her. Allow she was acting so weird we were overjoyed that she was back, finally a bit of luck in our lives.

She calmed down a bit after we fed her, even let us dry her off. she had always slept in my room from when she was a puppy, spoilt rotten but that's how she and I liked it, but now my mum put her in the garage, scared if I took her upstairs she'd attack me or something.

Life went back to normal for 2-3 weeks, Eva was still weary of us but wasn't hostile or anything, Mum still didn't trust her though. However, one morning I went to get her out to walk her when I saw a black slime-like substance all over the floor, Mum booked her in the vets immediately.

Turns out she was pregnant, the vets were worried about the black stuff but passed it off as anything but Eva, we found out she was pregnant, maybe that's why she'd been acting so weird then? We were just happy she was ok. We couldn't afford to get her an ultrasound, a decision I regret so deeply.

Skip to 2 days before she was due to give birth, yesterday, it was about 6 in the morning and I went to check on Eva.

There was her body, mutilated, torn apart covered head to tail in dry blood, surrounded by the black slime. A few metres across the room was a chunk, it could be mistaken for a rock if I hadn't seen it move, this large unearthly thing just... there.

I was in shock for what felt like hours, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't scream, just tears endlessly flowing down my face until I finally let it out. I fell to the floor as my mum walked in, she obviously had no idea what to do, I mean what do you do in these situations?

She called the police, the vets, animal control, anything she could think of.

Our house was quarantined. People in hazard suits came and cleared the whole garage, I couldn't leave and neither could my mother.

Now, literally 2 days after that, I'm here, writing this. They told me I'm going to need a therapist, and honestly I don't know if that's even going to help, this is my therapy to myself, writing this. I wish I could go back, change everything, not be lazy and put her out on the back instead of taking her for a walk, get an ultrasound, would we have been able to get rid of it? Could all this have been prevented or had the damage already been done. The worse part is how gullible I was, believing I'd get a second chance with my baby that I loved so much, but that's life I guess, thanks for reading.
Finally updated after a year 😂, trying a new style of writing out, it's really not that good but thanks for taking the time to read it anyway. Think that's it, see ya 😂.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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