Little runt(ritual)

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Spoiler: this is just made up by me(because I have nothing better to do at school lol)

All you need is to be alone and have a mirror.

This ritual is quite easy to do and is for the victims to get back at there bullies or someone like that.

Firstly you must picture the person in your head that you want to use this ritual against, once you've don't that you need to chant little runt 10 times without any mistakes.

After you've done that you need to turn round and crouch 3 times.

Then say
"Little runt, little runt
I summon you
Please help me against(Insert full name here)
Let me get revenge"

If the ritual is activated correctly, the person who is technically your victim will suffer harshly.
Hey peeps, how ya doin?
Anyway what do you think?

Also, I'm not getting any requests (hint,hint) just PM me if you have a request ^•^

Well, cya I guess 🙃

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