Santa Tell Me || England x Reader

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Santa tell me if you're really there,
Don't make me fall in love again,
If he won't be here next year,
Santa tell me if he really cares,
'Cause I can give it all away if he won't be here next year.

Outside, the stars were present in the sky as the waxing moon shone high above. Throughout the town, Christmas lights of reds, golds, whites, greens, and blues, lit up lampposts, trees, and buildings. In the middle of the plaza, a giant Christmas tree was decorated from top to bottom and stood in the very center, for all to observe.

It was the 12th of December, and you were currently shopping in the mall for Christmas presents. It was around 6 p.m., and the sky outside had turned pitch black. On your way home from work, you decided to stop at the local mall to try and get some late night Christmas shopping done.

You exited through the automatic doors and outside into the street, where on each side, more stores were lined up together.

You hugged your body from the cold air. Despite wearing a thick black trenchcoat, scarf, gloves, and hat, you were still freezing. You blamed the fact that you had almost nothing to cover your legs. They were only covered by a pair of thin black tights and a black pencil skirt.

You exhaled and watched your warm breath evaporate in front you amongst the cold air. You observed each store before your eyes finally landed on the one you were looking for.

You entered the shop and sighed in relief after exiting the cold and entering the warm building. The shop you stepped into was a designer clothes store that sold expensive menswear and cologne.

The room was lit up in golden light with Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling and stuck to the walls and shop windows. Christmas lights also decorated the checkout, and the employees all wore red Santa hats along with their regular uniforms.

You walked over to the section where they kept the suits. You observed each one but had trouble finding the right one you envisioned in your mind. A maroon one would make him look weird, and all the blue ones looked strange.

"Can I help you, miss?"

You turned to see a store clerk looking at you with a warm smile. The man was middle-aged and wore a uniform of formal attire, much like the ones on the racks, only it looked to be made of cheaper material. There was no jacket, with a black waistcoat covering his blue shirt instead, along with a red Santa hat sitting on top of his head.

"Um, do you have this in black?" you asked as you motioned to the set you were observing. The man put his glasses on and scanned the tag.

"Hmm, we might. Do you want me to check the backroom for you?"

"Yes please," you smiled as the store clerk nodded and walked away.

For about five minutes you mulled around and mindlessly observed the other suits on the racks.

You were looking for a suit for one of your friends, but you had no luck so far. You had visited three other shops, but none of the suits they sold came anywhere close to the image in your mind. Your mom recommended this shop to you since it was local and made clothes of high quality. Admittedly, with having little luck of finding what you wanted, you were starting to lose hope of finding an agreeable suit and beginning to consider the idea of getting something else. However, you knew for a fact that this certain someone was in dire need of a new black suit after his other one ripped after his cousin tried it on. You knew buying him a new suit may be a bit much, but you cared enough to go through with it, especially after he bought you an expensive dress for your birthday.

Santa Tell Me || England x Reader - One-shot (Merry Christmas 2018!)Where stories live. Discover now