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(trigger warning)

"Hey." The brunette smiled as Felix walked up to their normal spot on the beach,

"Hi." He smiled back, sitting next to him.

"So, I actually have to leave like, now, but... are you free later today?"

The Australian thought for a moment, "Yeah, I am actually. Why?"

"Would you uh.. maybe like to go on a date?" the latter smiled nervously looking at the sand.

"Of course!" Felix said happily, smiling widely, hyunjin felt his heart melt.

"Do you.. wanna meet here? Around seven, for a picnic?"

"I would love to- Hold on my mom's calling."

The boy switched to English as he spoke with his mother,

"Mom, what is it?"

I want you home, now

"What, why? I just left."

Did I ask you to talk back?

"No, ma'am. I'm sorry."

Home. Now.

"Yes, ma'am." he sighed, ending the call,

"Hey, I'm sorry I have to go, my mom wants me."

"Ok- wait, why don't you talk in Korean for your family?" he asked as he tilted his head.

"I do it only for you cutie." Felix winked as he walked away, leaving the other in utter shock.


"Felix, who is he?"

"What?" He scoffed as he stepped inside and slid his shoes off.

"That brunette. Isn't he our neighbor?"

"Yes, ma'am, why?" Felix questioned his mother.

"Are you gay, son?"


"Are. You. Gay?" she snarled, getting nearer to him. His sister, Alexis, had just stepped down the stairs, freezing as she saw the situation.

"Mom, what is this about?"

"Why are you always with that child? You stupid, hormonal teenagers need to stop experimenting."


"What? I'm simply asking, my dear son." She said, her smile dark, giving him the chills.

Mr. Lee walked into the room and leaned against the wall, "So son, do you like kissing guys? Hm?"

"D-dad not you too.." Felix sighed, looking down.

"Oh, my poor baby is stuttering, is he scared? Or disappointed in himself, like he should be?" He spat at his son, his face forming a scowl.

"Why.. How do you even know about this kid?"

Alexis looked at the ground and nervously averted her brother's eyes,

"Lexi, why?" He whimpered as he began to cry.

"B-because I thought they'd be happy for-"

"Room! Now!" Their mom interrupted, scaring the girl up the steps.

"Do you like to sneak out? Hm? Do you like to lie? Do you like hell?" She spat at him, firmly smacking his face.

Felix was hurt, and that was seen in his eyes. Tears streamed down his face as he held his cheek, his eyes darting between the two. He looked at the clock on the wall


"I'm leaving."

"Aw, normally I'd kick you out, but today you don't get to escape. You're stuck with your mother and I. We're gonna make you realize that you're disgusting and how wrong you are." His father grinned, shoving him into the door. Felix winced as the doorknob lodged into his back,

"Do you want to ruin my pride, son?! Hm?! Do you want to be a loser at school?"

"N-no sir."

"Why are you doing this, hm?!? HM?!"

"I-i'm sorry." Felix muttered. He stared at the ground, he had gone completely numb. He let his body go limp as they screamed at and shoved him around. He winced when they screamed viscous words, but did nothing. All he could think was,

what if he were here, would I be safe?

All he could think of was that brunette boy, and if he was waiting.

Check the clock, 7:34

Listen to them scream at you, push and shove you,

check the clock, 7:43


Finally, they left the boy in the corner of the doorway crying, and without hesitation he stood and put on his shoes, and ran to the beach. It was an hour later, and he was praying the boy was still there.

It was nearly dark, and Felix was worried. worried he'd really messed up.

When he arrived at the beach he saw the boy standing, grabbing the basket he'd brought and shaking his blanket off,

"Wait! Wait, I'm here!"

"What? I don't give a crap."

"No, no, please, please let me explain." Felix whimpered, tears stinging his eyes. The other boy shook his head,

"No, I don't want to hear it."

"Please, I swear I didn't want to be late but my m-"

"Please, enough." He mumbled, walking past the ginger.

"Don't! please don't leave. My family, they-"

"I trusted you! Okay?! I asked you on a date , I left my heart out there and you nearly stood me up." His voice was shaken.

"N-no please I wanted to be here so bad, you don't understand what happened. I promise, I tried to leave, I did."

"Enough. I have to go home... I'll see you." He muttered, shoving past Felix.

All the Australian could do was sit down, sobbing. He didn't move. He couldn't go back home, he couldn't go to Chris's, he couldn't stay with Rose, he couldn't. He sat at that beach and cried, hopelessly.

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