Good News, Bad News

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        Sometime things are meant to happen, you know they always say when one door closes another one open. But what they don’t tell you is the fact that sometimes you have to knock on that door and keep knocking and banging until it opens.

            I’m Layla, and right now I feel like I’m a character in high school musical, I feel like Gabriella watching the clock tick down until we bust out in song and start the best summer ever. I look at the clock and it takes its last turn around the clock for the year, I could hear people start counting down 10----9-----8-----7-----6-----5-----4-------3-------2-------1. Everyone jumped up and ran out of the room, it was my last day of my junior year “finally” I though “I’m almost free from this jail, just one more year and I could almost feel it.” As I walked down the hallways of Thunder Creek High School, my best friend Sadie walked up with our other friend Zander.

We had a very close group of friends in that group there was Sadie, the outgoing, caring, attention seeking, no boy, 17 year old ginger. She had shocking blue eyes and never failed to make anyone laugh. Then there was Zander, he’s shy, mysterious, occasionally he’s a jerk, but he can also be so, so sweet! Zander had grey, blue eyes and jett black hair which was always, always spiked up.  Then there was Aziza, she was abused when she was younger and now she has a heart of gold, always has the best for everyone in mind, she little miss perfect. She has brown eyes and long, long reddish auburn hair that always perfectly curled, and its natural.

Carson is the super-hot, football player, he never had one night stands and always treats every girl he’s dated like a princess, he defitinly has his smartass moments, but is usually the class clown. He had beautiful caramel skin, brownish greenish eyes and black hair in somewhat of a Mohawk. Last but not least it Ash, she’s the smart one in the group and hold about 5 school records for track. She was raised in New Zealand on a small dairy farm, and moved to America when she was 11, she has a very cute accent, brown hair, cute freckles and every guy in school has an eye for her.

We all always met in the same spot after school and that spot was Carson’s truck. He has an avalanche, a nice blue 6 seater. We, okay well only me, were obsessed with his truck it was like a god. He drove all of us to school every morning, and that’s where we always met after school. Usually we would head to Jeremiahs for ice cream, but today we were headed to my house. In 2 days we would be leaving for the summer to live in a camper which they had all taken part in renovating. They were planning on touring most of the states and visiting all of America’s monuments and must see sights.

        We all hopped into his car and started driving, it was Zander who broke the silence, “So guys who’s ready for a roadddddd tripppppp?” Everyone was pumped and the radio got turned up just as Fancy came on, this was like our song, our theme song per say. Once we all got to my house we hopped out and walked inside.

        My mom was a very, very good mom, she somehow always knew when everyone was coming over and she always had food prepared for us. Today she had made about 15 sandwich (the boys will probably eat all of them) and she poured lemonade for us as well. We gobbled down the sandwiches and drained them don with lemonade in a couple of seconds. Then we headed up to my room, and started to create a packing list, we could each only bring a limited amount of clothing since the camper could only hold so much. Once we finished doing that everyone headed home for the night.

        Tomorrow we were planning on buying food, making sure the camper had no issues, packing up the camper and then finally getting one more goodnight of sleep before leaving the next morning.

        I walked down stairs about an hour later and my mom was just setting up for dinner. She has this look on her face I knew as soon as I saw it that she needed to tell me bad news. She didn’t say anything until we sat down for dinner.

        “Layla I need to tell you something, it’s a bit of a favor and I know you’re going to dislike it, but you are going to need to give it a chance or you can go on the trip.”  At this point it started to get even more worried, she never threatens to take anything away unless it something very, very important.

        She continued, “I need you to take my friends son on the with you on the trip.”

        Oh that wasn’t too bad I thought to myself “Who is he?”

        “That’s the part that I know you won’t like…” She paused for a minute to shove some pasta in her mouth. “My friends son is Cameron Wilson.”

        I stood there with my mouth open, I was sure there was steam coming out of my ears. I was about to throw a tantrum. Cameron Wilson was the schools player, the was the hottest guy in school, he had the charm, he was on the football team and he had every girls heart. He has so many one night stands and I’m not sure he even has a heart, but he sure knows how to break them.

            “MOM you can ask me to do anything with him, he’s a jerk and we do not, I repeat do not get along. There is no way he’s ever coming with us mom, you know how hard we worked for this whole thing and how much money we put into this. He can’t just stroll into here and do nothing.” She just looked at me like she was expecting this whole thing.

            “Listen honey, you don’t have a choice, his mom said he will pay for all of your food, and gas expenses to make up for it. I know it’s going to be hard, and you don’t like him but he’s been through a lot and you need to give him a chance to prove that he’s not a jerk. There a reason behind why people act the way they do and I would tell you but I think it would be best if he told you.  So this is final he will come and talk to everyone tomorrow and hangout with you guys for the day.” She got up and walked into the kitchen to put her dish away.

          I go up as well and stormed into my room I crashed on to my bed crying, he had no idea and my mom had no idea what he’s done to me emotionally. I fell asleep forgetting to even call or text everyone in the group.

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