☆|Chapter One|☆

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"James, are ya almost done in here?" A quiet voice chirped up from behind him. The brunet turned to his little sister, Rebecca, who was standing in his doorway.

"Yeah, just about done." He answered, turning back around and closing up the box in front of him.

Rebecca walked in, plopping down onto her brother's bed, that was now stripped of the sheets. She kept her head down, usual smile nowhere to be found, as her legs swung back and forth. Bucky quickly took notice of the younger's expression and walked over to her.

"You okay, Becca?" Bucky asked as he sat down, putting an arm around her tiny frame.

She nodded, wrapping her small arms as best she could around his torso. "Just miss her is all." She said as tears built up in her eyes.

"I miss her, too." He said softly, pulling her closer.

They stayed like, silence filling the room, Rebecca's grip tight around her brother, until the older spoke up again.

"Ya got all your stuff packed?" Another silent nod came from Rebecca.

"Well," he sighed, "let's go finish putting everything in the car, m'kay?"

That was six years ago; when the two had moved in with their grandparents after the passing of their mother.

Two years after that, though, their grandfather had also passed. Rebecca had been sent to boarding school after that, seeing as their grandmother wasn't fit nor had the money to care for a child, and James- Bucky as he went by now- stayed to live with and also help care for their grandmother.

Now though, Bucky was 20 and living alone in an apartment in Brooklyn. He had just barely finished school with C's in almost every class. When everything happened his grades had decreased immensely.

Bucky had changed a lot in those last few years; mentally and physically.

Dark brown hair that was once short and slicked back now shaved on the left side and about at shoulder length. His unmarked skin now covered in ink and scars. Hell, he didn't even have his left arm anymore. The lost limb was now replaced with a metal prosthetic, with a beat up red star he painted on the shoulder- that's a story for another day, however. Dress shoes replaced by combat boots, jeans now tight, black, and ripped. Band tees taking the place of his old, classy button-ups. He'd even got some piercings, thanks to Nat's convincing.

Well....maybe some is an understatement.

Bucky had a double-septum piercing, both lobes [and upper lobes], two cartilage on both sides. Recently he had added an orbital on the left ear along with an industrial, a dolphin bite on his bottom lip, and a brow piercing.

Bascially the exact opposite of the prim and proper look he used to have.

Now mentally, Bucky was a mess if he was being honest.

He used to love going out, always had girls all over him, too. Nowadays he's always too depressed or anxious to even think about going out. Only reason he really went anywhere was when his friends, Clint and Natasha, would drag him out.

Used to, he loved having the attention of every dame; now it put him on edge, made a feeling of anxiety settle within him, which he desperately tried to hide in pubilc.

Honestly, could you blame the guy for being so down, though? He lost a lot over the last few years. At least he didn't lose his friends. Bucky was extremely greatful to still have them, even if it was only two people. Speaking of which, let's see what they're up to.

"Barnes, wake your ass up!" Nat yelled from the driver seat, causing a sleeping Bucky to jerk awake and bang his head on the roof of the tiny car.

He let out a groan, rubbing his head, sending the red-head a tired glare. "What the hell, Nat?!"

"What? Had to wake you up, we're here." She deadpanned, pocketing her keys and stepping out.

"Could've done it a bit subtler." The brunet grumbled, stepping out the car.

The two walked into the all too familiar shop and sat down on the small sofa, waiting for their appointments.

"So, what are you getting, James?" Natasha asked as they sat.

The brunet rolled his eyes. "Nat, I told you I'm not saying."

"Is it gonna be on yout dick?" She asked in monotone, completely serious.

"Wha- No! What the fuck, why is that your guess?!"

"Just seems like the thing you wouldn't tell me you're doing." She shrugged.

"I mean yeah I wouldn't tell ya that, but it ain't what I'm doing."

"Then what is it??" The red-head asked again.

Right then, a familiar voice called Bucky's name, telling him it was his turn.

"Well," he said, standing up, "you'll find out soon enough. See ya in a bit, Nat." Bucky shot her a quick grin before walking off.

"What's up, Barton?" Bucky greeted, walking up to his friend.

"Nothing much." He replied.

"So, what're you getting today again?"

"Thinking 'bout tongue piercing; 14 gauge, 16 milimeter."

"Oh, I get to do something besides your ears this time? Thought this day would never come." Clint said being overdramatic, before letting out a quiet laugh.

"Oh, shut it." Bucky rolled his eyes, smile tugging at his lips.

"You think it'd look good, though?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm surprised you haven't gotten one yet."

"Well, you guys are expensive as hell," he replied, "and I don't have a ton of money to blow whenever."

"Fair enough." Clint nodded. "Alright now let's get started."

"Okay so, now that it's done I have to tell you how to care for it till it's healed up." Clint said, cleaning up his station. Bucky nodded silently, tongue swelling too much to talk properly.

"You're gonna need to clean it about five to six times a day, thirty seconds each time. But no more than that or it will cause discoloration. If you want to minimalize swelling you can suck on icecubes, keep food and drinks on the cooler side, and don't talk." Clint continued. "Not that you talk much anyways." He added causing Bucky to send him a playful glare.

The brunet stood up and walked with Clint back to the front of the shop and to the register.

The other rung up the cleaning solution, paying for it himself, and bagging it up before handing it to Bucky.

The taller took the bag and signed a "thank you" with his hands to the blonde.

"No problem, dude." He smiled before walking off to do his next appointment.

Bucky walked over to the couch and sat down till Natasha came back.

"Why did I let you talk me into this, my ear is killing me!" She whined when she finally got back.

Bucky just shrugged, looking at her new cartilage piercing.

Natasha sat down and her eyes skimmed over the other's face. Not finding any new piercings, she gave him a confused look. "I thought you were getting a new one?"

A smirk creeped onto Bucky's face before he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out.

Nat gasped, staring at it. "Oh, my god, I didn't think you'd ever get one!" She screamed gaining the attention of a few people around them.

'Hurts like Hell' Bucky signed at her.

Natasha let out a laugh before asking, "You want a slushie to help with the swelling?"

He gave a nod and they both stood up, walking out the parlor.

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