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I walked home safely, I get inside and change into my pjs. I sigh and lay into bed, finally drifting off.


I wake up as I hear my phone alarm going off. I roll ever and turn it off, I sit up and walk to my bathroom, getting ready for work, I try and be gentle as my face hurts a lot, I took the bandaid off, the cut is still a little open but it should be fine. I carefully brush my teeth, being cautious not to bump the corner of my lip. It's 11:00 am and my shift starts at 11:30, shit.

I grab my phone, wallet, and rush out, locking the door. I start walking at a fast pace.

I arrive just on time, I grab an apron and get behind the counter.

"I wonder if minty is coming" i say to myself while I was bending down, stacking cups
and just as I say that, he walks in.

"Oh hey Y/N" Yoongi says
He startled me a bit so I jumped, whacking my head.
"Ah fuck!" I say somewhat loudly
I just hear him snort.
I look up to him.
"Yeah whatever, get in here and help me" I look him in the face
"Woah what happened to your face?" He asks, looking kinda shocked.
"Do you mean how ugly I am? Because I'm like this everyday" I reply
"No-" it hurt Yoongi's heart a bit to hear you calling yourself ugly
"OH! right, the bruises, it was like this last night but I guess you didn't see" I say to him.
"Yeah it was dark, so what happened?" He questioned.
"Ah don't worry about it, just had a minor accident" I say
"It doesn't look minor" he replied
I shrug my shoulders
"Did someone do this to you?" He asked
no shit Yoongi, I somehow got a black eye, busted lip and a somewhat deep cut under my eye from no one.
"Hm I said don't worry" I say, and just like god saved me, a customer walks in

The little bell rings, and the customer orders. I let Yoongi do it so he can get use to making them. I take out my phone and see that I've got a message.

  Namjoon ☺️

Hey Y/N, I was thinking would you like to get coffee sometime? We could find a nice little cafe if you wish 😊

  Yeah I'd love to! Just let me know the day

I was thinking about today? If you're not busy of course!

Hmm, I get off work at 3:30, if thats alright?

Sounds great! Would you like me to pick you up from work?

Yeah that would be good 😊

Alright! Just send me the address and I'll be there around 3:30

*send location*

Sweet thanks! See you then 😄

Cya :)

I put my phone and start smiling slightly. I'm kinda excited, I haven't gone out with someone for a while, well a friend anyways. Bambam was always over protective and wouldn't let me go out with anyone besides Yeri. I sigh as I think about them. What asses.

"I finished that order, did you see m- why are you crying?" Yoongi says
I check my cheek and see that I have tears falling. The salt water slightly stinging my wound. I wipe them quickly
"I'm not" I say.
"I just saw you"
"Hm I think you're seeing things." I say then leave from behind the counter, to go and clean the tables and stuff.

It's finally almost 3:30, I take my apron off and quickly go into the bathroom to check if I look alright, I mean the best I can since I have shades of purple, black and blue covering some of my face.

I walk back out
"You're packing up early" Yoongi says, watching me frantically walk around checking everything's okay.
"Yeah I'm going somewhere" I reply
"Ah I see, cant be someone too close since you look like a nervous child about to enter the doctors."
I stop walking and turn and frown, making my eyebrows look mad.
Yoongi just laughs.
"You look like a mad kitten" he says chuckling
I give him a death glare and turn back around, continuing to walk back and forth.

I then see the same black car the took me home  yesterday pull up.
He then gets out of the car and enters the store to come and get me.
As he enters he smiled, letting those dimples show. It warmed my heart.

"Hey Y/N, ready to go?" He smiled
I just nodded as I was a bit flustered. I turned to say bye to Yoongi but he was gone ?
Huh that's strange, but I then hear the men's bathroom door close so I guess he went to the bathroom.

We get in his car, he said the drive is about 5 minutes, it was kinda awkward but he tried to make it better.
"Uh So, who was the guy that hit you?" He asks
Should I tell him?
"He's my boyfr- I mean ex" i say
"Right, why did he hit you?" He asks
I may as well tell him.
I explained him everything from where I caught them.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you." He says, taking his hand and rubbing my shoulder, I just smile and nod, telling him it's okay. He takes his hand off and puts it back on the wheel, then pulls into this cafe.

"Okay we're here" he smiles
I undo my seatbelt and jump out of the car, we go inside.
"Wahh this is pretty" I say, seeing all the fairy lights and plants hanging around, and occasionally a piece of art on the wall.

"It's one of my favourite spots, and it's not too popular which is good" He says smiling.
We find a seat and sit down,
"What would you like? I'll go order" Namjoon asks
"I'll get a Carmel Latte" I smile.
"Okay! I'll be back shortly"

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