Chapter 16

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Spottedleaf passed by Firepaw and ran her tail under his chin as she passed by, purring.
Spottedleaf padded to the nursery and saw Frostfur with her kits. "Do you need anything, Frostfur?" Spottedleaf mewed. Frostfur nodded, still looking at her kits. "My milk is starting to run low. Do you have some sort of herb that can increase it?" Frostfur mewed.
"Of course! I'll go get the herbs for you." Spottedleaf mewed. Frostfur looked up at her gratefully, though her eyes did contain grief. Spottedleaf understood why. A few moons ago, her mate Lionheart died from a Shadowclan battle.
"I'm sorry that you still grieve." Spottedleaf mewed. Frostfur sighed. "I just wished Lionheart could see them grow." Frostfur mewed. "He is." Spottedleaf mewed. Frostfur stared at her, then blinked slowly at her in gratitude.
           "I'll go get the needed herbs." Spottedleaf mewed. "Okay. You do that while I get some prey. I'm starving." Frostfur mewed as she padded out of the nursery. Her kits squealed in protest. "It's alright kits, I'll only take a moment." Frostfur mewed gently as she padded to the fresh kill pile.
           Spottedleaf padded into her den and got borage leaves that will increase Frostfur's milk. She padded to the nursery, only to find the kits missing. She dropped her herbs.
          Spottedleaf looked around the nursery and saw a brown figure with the kits. "Clawface." Spottedleaf thought. "Put the kits down, Clawface." Spottedleaf growled. "And disobey my leader's orders? I don't think so." Clawface hissed.
          Spottedleaf unsheathed her claws. Clawface purred as if laughing. "You think this is wise? Wanting to fight me for the kits?" Clawface mewed. Spottedleaf's only answer was when she charged at him, but Clawface avoided her claws.
          Spottedleaf turned around to face him, but Clawface quickly pinned her down. He put his claw on Spottedleaf's throat and clawed it. Spottedleaf's yowl was barely audible. Clawface purred with amusement and ran away with the kits.
         Spottedleaf fought for air. "Now me and Firepaw will never be mates now!" Spottedleaf thought. She rolled her head onto one side. She felt herself fall into darkness, and then light.

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