Night at the Movie Theaters

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Erik and his girl at the movies and he's in the mood and he's trying to get you in it too.

"Oooh, look! The Evil Dead is playing!" You point excitedly, seeing one of your favorite old horror movies listed right at the top in big, black, block letters.

"Wackk, don't nobody wanna see that shit! Where my psycho niggas at, like Hannibal or Candy Man or something?" he mumbles into your hair, looking up at the marquee with you as you try and decide on a movie.

The crisp winter air bites at your cheeks, but it feels nice combined with the human heater currently wrapped around your shoulders keeping you warm.

"Excuse me, The Evil Dead is a classic, thank you very much. What about The Thing?" You suggest, already bouncing on the balls of your feet just thinking about it. You loved the 1980's film, always managing to get wrapped up in the 'who dunnit' sci-fi mystery every time.

"Quit moving, I'm trying to focus," he holds you tighter to still you, clearly unsatisfied with the choices you were coming up with. And he called you the brat.

"Come on Erik, the next rotation starts in 10 minutes, I don't wanna miss  it!" You plead, urging him to hurry up and make a decision.

- It was the end of November and you and Erik were at a horror movie marathon event at your favorite old time-y movie theater in the middle of town was hosting.

- All day they'd been playing classic horror flicks like Dawn of the Dead, The Howling, Children of the Corn, and Maximum Overdrive.

- There were about 30 different movies that were playing for the day, randomly shuffling after every 2 ½ hour showing and intermission.

- Currently your options were: The Thing, An American Werewolf in London, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Evil Dead, and Carrie.

He takes one last look over the titles before huffing out a big breath, conceding.

"Ugh, fine, lets go see this damn Thing movie, he moans, and you do a little fist pump, hissing a silent "yes!" as you grab his hand and skip over to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets for The Thing at 5:30 please," you beam at the teller, and she rings you up, Erik already sliding a five dollar bill on to the counter before you can even reach in your purse.

She gives you the tickets, letting you know the movie is the last one on your left, and you pull Erik through the revolving door and into the lobby.

"Okay, since you paid for the tickets I'll pay for the snacks," You say, already pulling out your money as you try to trot ahead of him to the concession stand.

He gives you a 'yeah, OK' look at the back of your head, letting you get all the way to the front of the line before pinching the back of your coat between his fingers and pulling you behind him, taking your place in front of the cashier.

"Can I get a large mixed ICEE and a Buncha Crunch for this one," he says, nodding in your direction, and you stick your tongue out at him.

"Sure thing, and what can I get you sir?" The lanky teenager asks, fingers flying over the POS system on autopilot.

"That'll be all." he answers, handing over another bill and collecting the snacks, giving you your candy.

As he receives his change he takes a long drink from your slurpee, looking amusedly at the exaggerated sour face you make at him as you head off towards the theater.

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