Amusement Park Fun

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Anonymous asked:

What does Erik do when Bae is being bratty in public?

- Whewwww

- First of all

- God Bless that mans patience, because you? stay Trying👏🏿 It ™👏🏿

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- God Bless that mans patience, because you? stay Trying👏🏿 It ™👏🏿

- Y'all were at an amusement park in the height of summer after graduation after you'd decided to link back up with all your college friends one last time before fall came

- Everyone was boo'd up, but especially Erik, who stayed hanging on you from the moment you got there

- He couldn't help it, you just looked so cute with your black and silver braids up in space buns and the ocean blue Vans you paired with your white summer fit

- He just needed to be onn youuu in somee wayy so he could let these niggas know that 'this mines'

- Soo you sucked it up, and put up with your needy ass man hanging all over you

- ..... for a total of five minutes

"Yeah, so uhh.... this not bout to work," You lean back from your scrunched up position in the corner of the booth where he'd pulled you in to be under his arm. The rest of your crew was still in line, ordering food.

He gives you a confused look, not really sure what you're talking about.

"Wassup? You wanna go somewhere else for food? I think they got a vegan spot around the corne-"

"Nah, son, this not bout to work," You interrupt him, gesturing between the two of you. You feel a spike of heat flash over you, and your patience starts to grow thinner.

- You fuckin hated being hot

- It was honestly one of the worst feelings to you, and this gigantic, sweaty nigga was determined to be all up in your space, fuckin up your qi

"Baby," you give him a little pat on his arm, trying to keep it together. "I love all the physical affection you're trying to show me, but you gon have to cut that shit out." *record scratch* "It's too hot for all that."

During the winter, those warm, cuddled up moments were cute and all, but now that the cold was gone so was your desire for unnecessary body heat, and you needed him to get with the program

He kisses his teeth. "I'm just tryna hold my baby girl, watchu getting all buck for?" He says defensively, acting like he wasn't currently trying to be the actual ball to your chain.

Erik Killmonger: Headcanon-Fic HyrbidWhere stories live. Discover now