Anonymous asked: Idk if you've already wrote about this, but could you please do a quick blurb about Erik's girl being on her period & she sends him to the store for pads/ tampons
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The soft silk pillowcase caresses your face as you shift around in bed, trying to turn over to your other side. Your body felt heavy from the deep slumber you'd awoken from, the third one you'd taken that day as you tried to replenish the ridiculous amount of energy you seemed to be running through.
As the strength returns to your body and you start to feel your limbs again, you attempt to move your hips so you can rotate when you're met with a firm resistance.
You try again, thinking that maybe your legs are still asleep, and this time you wiggle your toes too... only you can't move those either.
Giving a low groan in dissatisfaction, you lift your head up to see what the deal was, and upon seeing the problem you roll your eyes, letting your head flop back down on the pillow with an annoyed huff.
It was Erik. Of course.
You can't honestly say you were surprised; every time you were on your period it was as if his attraction to you became magnetic, and it was the hardest thing trying to gain back your personal space until your period ended.
While you relax against the pillows waiting for your vocal chords to kick in, you run a play by play in your head as you try to remember how you both ended up here.
The last thing you recalled was laying on the couch, Erik was in your lap and the heating pad you'd wrapped around your pelvis had come unplugged from the wall.
You remember the very difficult process of trying to untangle yourself from the mass of muscle that was your boyfriend without waking him up, which resulted in you tumbling onto the floor from the cord getting wrapped around your leg.
While you now had a sore knee and a loose scarf, the gentle giant hadn't lost a single wink, and you'd stormed off to the bedroom with the heating pad under your arm after chucking a throw pillow at his unconscious head.
And now here he was. Laying all over you and invading your space, again.
"ERIK!" Your vocal chords were working again and you were about to put them to full use.
"Get up, dammit!"
He groans a tired yawn and tightens his arms around your waist, trying to bury his face into your belly button.
"I'm right here ma, why you yellin?" His tired voice mumbles into your tummy, the vibrations tingling through your skin and waking up your bladder.
Ugh. Now you were gonna have to get up.
You sigh to keep yourself from crying as you wiggle around again, this time with a little more movement since now he was awake too.
"Move little boy, I need to pee." You start shoving at his shoulders to get him off you so you could run and go pee before you fully woke up.