Good Sport, Part 2

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Three quick pulses of the subharmonic alarm meant unexpected human company. Sammy abandoned his pursuit of the rabbit and loped homeward on all fours. He paused behind the treeline, scenting the air to make sure the coast was clear. Strangely, he recognized one of the scents from earlier that day... the coach. Well, this was probably about Liam, and no business of his. But the protocol stated no wolf forms while humans were on the properly, so he bounded towards the side of the house that had no windows for occasions such as this, climbed up to the second story, and let himself in through an unlocked window on the second story of the back wall, which lead him into the meeting room. He shifted in there, and then jogged across the hall to his room.

"Hold on there, boy," Hatchet's arm shot out, snatching him.

Sammy froze in place, wondering what he had done wrong, until Hatchet pulled a large twig out of his braid and showed it to him. "Make yourself presentable, then duck out and come inside through the back door. Our guests wanna talk to you, and Odysseus and Night Sky told them you're out taking a walk in the woods."

Talk to him? Sammy had no idea why, but his stomach lurched. Had he done something wrong? Oh, no. What if he had ran with inhuman speed, or shrugged off that boy's tackle too easily? He might have put the pack in jeopardy, or put the alphas in an awkward position having to come up with lies for him-

"I'm tellin' you, it ain't happening!" Night Sky's voice rose through the house. "Sam is not ready!"

"Ruth, honey, calm down," he heard Odysseus say. "I know you're protective of him, but we can't smother him, either."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Hatchet grunted. "Get moving!"

Sammy did as instructed, pulling his dirty clothes from the hamper and putting them back on, pausing to sniff a pit and wrinkle his nose. He'd planned to shower after his evening run, and there was no time for a quick rinse-off because then they might wonder what he was doing running around outside wet in February. He grabbed one of Liam's bottles of body spray and blasted his pits before sliding into his shirt and checking his hair for any other detritus. Thus passable, he climbed out his window onto the first story roof, then leapt down and made his way to the back door.

By now, the arguing had turned into an awkward silent stalemate while they waited for his arrival. As soon as he emerged into the living room, Coach Brennon and a tall, reedy bald man in a pinstripe suit stood, both men looking him over with... Sammy wasn't sure, but it looked like some kind of hunger.

"Sam, have a seat," Odysseus motioned towards the spot between him and Ruth on the couch. "This is Mr. Kirby, Cedar City High's principal, and of course you know Will Brennon.

"So this is the boy you told me about?" Mr. Kirby said. "How old are you, son?"

"Sixteen," Night Sky answered for him.

Sammy sucked a little air in. "Actually, I'm seventeen now."

"What?" Night Sky sounded incredulous. "Did you have a birthday and not tell us?"

"Actually, yeah," Sammy said meekly. "My birthday's December 17th."

"Sammy!" Night Sky was shocked, and even a little upset. "Why didn't you say something?"

Sammy glanced down, staring intently at his fingers. "You guys've done so much for me already. I didn't want you to think I expected gifts or a cake or anythin'." That, and he hadn't had a birthday celebration since his parents had died. In the foster home, they'd made him a box-mix cake and that was it. His life so far didn't seem worth celebrating, anyway.

"Hun, look at me." Night Sky didn't even wait for Sammy to turn his head of his own power. She cradled his head between her thumb and forefinger and turned it herself. "That's not how it works around here. You're part of our family now, and birthdays are for celebrating having each other in our lives."

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