First Impressions, Part 2

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Her name was Clara Neagle, and it was the first thing that popped into Sammy's head when he woke up the next morning. Odysseus had sent him to scout the front of their property for anyone who might have followed her, but Sammy suspected that it had been a tactic simply to give her space while the alphas escorted her to the pack house and gave her a room to sleep in.

Still, he woke up eager to get to know her. She had an air of sadness and mystery to her. And, well, he knew what that was like. Perhaps they were kindred spirits. All he knew about her so far was that she had been mistreated by someone in Carter's would-be pack, and that's why she had come to them.

Sammy had heard Odysseus and Hatchet discussing them once. They weren't happy with the situation. So the story went, Patrick Carter had been the son of a former member of Argo, who had been banished for trying to sleep with Odysseus's mother. And Patrick, rather than blaming his father, nursed a grudge against Argo and refused to let it go. The rogues liked to push the envelope, getting away with anything and everything they could just shy of bringing the Order down on them. A couple of them were wanted by the police for property damage in some small town in Florida, but Carter helped them break out and convinced to ride up north with him on stolen motorcycles. Once, the pack had smelled their scents on the wind at the border of their territory, and it had made some of the more hotheaded members fighting mad. Sammy had kept well out of everyone's ways that day.

He leapt out of bed and made it in record time, though at the sacrifice of its usual neatness. Sammy had no idea how his interactions with this girl would go, but he was eager to find out.

Of course, he could hear the murmur of pack members downstairs, talking just low enough amongst each other so their exact words couldn't be deciphered from up here. It sounded like half the pack was down there, which was no big surprise, really. No doubt word of the new member had gotten out before the sun had even risen. Werewolves were worse gossips than old ladies.

He hovered at his door, staring at Clara's for any clue, however slight, that he might be welcome. He recalled her reaction to seeing him, and the last thing he wanted was a repeat of what happened with Reilly. No, he knew he would have to keep his distance for a while and wait for an opening, even though he really, really wanted to meet her now.

He heard the squeak of the door knob, and momentarily panicked, wondering how he should play this. He almost retreated back into his room when Elizabeth emerged through the doorway. She glanced his way and smiled. "Hey, bro," she said, quietly.

"Hey, sis. Uh, whatcha doin' in there?" he asked at the same volume.

"Checking up on our new houseguest. Aunt Night Sky asked me to introduce myself and give her a medical once-over."

He looked over her shoulder, to the door beyond. "How is she?" he asked.

Elizabeth took his hand and started leading him away, towards the stairs. "Exhausted. She didn't tell me everything, but she said she came out of a bad situation. It took a lot of courage for her to finally pack a bag and run away."

A sympathetic whine crawled up his throat. "Think she'll spend the whole day in there?" he asked, sparing another glance back before they started to descend.

"I have no idea, I only just met her." Halfway down the stairs, she stopped, and turned to face him. "Bro, I know what you're thinking, and let me give you some advice. Cool your jets."

Sammy straightened out, and tried to play dumb. "Huh?"

Elizabeth reached up, and tapped on his chest. "I get it. You're lonely. There's not enough people here your age, and you're hoping for a chance to make a new friend. Just be patient."

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