Under pressure

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The next day classes where canceled leaving me alone... to deal with the police.

"Bunny-san I'll ask you again, did you tell-"

"No! I didn't even know! Last I checked the only people I talk to are hero's and people in my class!" I yelled at the officer my eyes full of tears slamming my hands down on the table, "STOP ASSUMING IM THE BAD GUY WHO TOLD THOUSE PEOPLE THAT I NEVER MET!"

The officer stands slamming his fists down getting angry that I keep refusing to admit to 'telling the bad guy'. That was tell a knock was on the door and it was opened. Nezu walked in a few pro hero's that are teachers staying outside the door.

"Now officer, please stop hassling her. She didn't do it. We don't know who or how, but I know it wasn't her. Now the chief said we can retrieve her. Come mingu-san," Nezu said calmly and matter-o-factly. The officer frowns and sits down watching me leave.

I walk out seeing that the heros outside the room are midnight /in more causal clothes/and present mic. I look at them my face a bit red from crying. I sniffle and get hugged by midnight.

"Come on let's get you back to your dorms so you can sleep. We didn't find out they took you off the bus when you got off the bus this morning," midnight spoke softly. She moves to lead me out and Nezu follows behind talking with present mic quietly.

I yawned a bit being tiered and wanting to sleep really bad. "Why did you three come to get me?" I asked with a monotone voice.

They all look at each other before present mic said pretty loud, "well since Eraserhead woke he told me to check in on you. When I couldn't find you, I asked around and we found you were gone. We then talked with the police and got you released since they can't just hold you here with no proof."

"How is Aizawa sensei?" I asked worried as we all get into a car, present mic driving, Nezu in front and me and midnight in back. They all are quite.

"He has a lot of damage.. multiple factors in his face... if you weren't there it would have been worse," midnight finally said. I let out a sigh them feeling that I'm blaming myself for it happening.

It stays quite for the ride, even with present mic the ride didn't get loud. With out a word going throw, once the car is parked, I get out and head to the dorms. Nezu watches me walk away.

"She is hurting a lot more then I thought she would be.." Nezu said quietly.

Once I reach my room, I lay on my bed. My tiered eyes shutting. Soon falling asleep.

The next day, I got up and cleaned myself up before getting dressed and heading to go to my seat in my first class. I'm the first there and sit in my seat. Soon people start coming in, all seeming nervous. A few glance at me, seeing that I look like shit right now.

Classes go along threw the day... tell Aizawa sensei came in. People talked, but all I can do is stare in shock and sadness. He is wrapped up from head to toe.

"My welfare isn't important," He sates before continuing, "because your fight is far from over."

This cause everyone to freak out. Me I'm shaking badly trying really hard to control my emotions.

"U.A,'s spots festival is fast approaching," he said calmly calming everyone... but me... down. My head leaned over my hair hiding move of my face away.

I stopped listening about the sports festival knowing how it is. A few tears drop onto my desk feeling overwhelmed. Then I hear the pumped shouts of the class. Looking up I see how all of them look excited. This is a chance to get known. This is also bad for us if they didn't know.

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