Chapter 1: Welcome to Eorzea

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I do not own Final Fantasy, that belongs to Square Enix. Also q lot of things in the prologue, was based on my actual experience. A lot of this will be based on my experience with the game. Enjoy!

This was the day. Lyllyan was rushing home. She ran, ducking through students, gave a quick goodbye to her friends as she trekked home. When she reached her mom's house, she saw her dad's and older brother's car. She ran passed the cars and barged inside. As she went inside, her face smacked into a case. Her older brother held it up in place. Lyllyan recognized it and snatched it up with a squeal and ran to her room. Her brother chased after her.

"Wait! Lily! Hold on! Pack your things up, you're coming home with us!" Her brother chuckled.

"I have to wait longer?" She sighed, but had a smile. She quickly gathered her things, and headed to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm heading to Lucas's place."

"I know, they already told me." She casually points to Lyllyan's father.

"You ready, Lily?" He asked.

"I'm ready. I was born ready. I want to hurry. So can we go? Now? Please?" This 15 year old was shaking in excitement.

Her mother smiled, seeing her so happy. With that she shooed them off, to go on their adventure.

They reached Lucas's house, and Lyllyan quickly barged in and sees her little brother. He had already set up at Lucas wife's desk. He started at them.

"You guys sure took your sweet time."

"Hey, now. It took longer to install on the PS3. How are you holding up, Halizar?" Lucas smirked.

Lyllyan interrupted, "You already installed the game?!"

"Yup. You just gotta put in your username and password, then hit play, and you're good to go." Her father smiled.

Lyllyan squealed as she started rushing to set up. The guys watched her. Happy to see her so eager. After the set up, they all sat down, and got serious. They opened up the game. They each put in their info, and hit play. There, they picked a server, and started creating a character.

Lyllyan made an Au Ra, the clan being the Xaela. She made them as short as the can be with bust, and tail being maxed out. She had a purple and a green eye, and made her have a long pinkish hair that had a half ponytail braid. She chose the God Thaliak, the Scholar, and decided to start as the Arcanist class. This would place her in the Limsa Lominsan area. A place that's run by a leader who used to be a pirate.

She looked up and saw that her dad and older brother were gone.

"Hal, where did Dad, and Lucas go?" She asked.

"Mmm...I don't know. Probably to get food. They seemed done with making their characters...hmm... food." Halizar started to mutter to himself.

Lyllyan took a look at the empty computer chairs and gave a 'hmph'. With that she went back to her screen. She ended up at the naming and screen.

"Hal, what should I name my character? She's an Au Ra arcanist." Lyllyan asked.

She waited and no response. Lyllyan looked up and sighed. He seem to have started the game, and probably went to go get something to eat. Lyllyan went back to the game. Usually, she would be against this, but for some reason, she felt compelled to. She named the character Lyllyan Weiss. She clicked okay, and the name took. She clicked begin game, and everything went black.

When light came, the opening sequence played. Lyllyan was watching her character. She heard the voice saying, "Hear...Feel...Think..."

She heard it so loudly, she felt as if the voice was really talking to her. All of the sudden a man in a black hooded robe with a mask appeared and looked ready to attack. Lyllyan's character powered up and was wearing a green robe with an orange horn head piece. Her character and the man lunge at each other and all went black again.

Lyllyan felt as though she was working up a sweat. She felt someone slightly shaking her.

"Wake up, come on, wake up!"

Lyllyan opened her eyes and saw a grizzle man. He wore a red tunic with a red turban. He looked worried, but relieved when she woke up.

"You alright, lass? You seem to been havin' a nightmare." He asked, a hand on her shoulder.

It felt real. The seat she sat on felt real, the fabric that she wore felt real. Her eyes widen in shock.

The man seemed to notice this and backed up a bit to give her more room to breath.

"Judgin' by your look, this is new. So a new character?"

"How do you know? Do everyone start out like this?" Lyllyan asked, looking around, "How am"

"Well, I'm not sure how you are here. Only a selected few tend to be here. Call it the blessed 100, if ya ask me." He said.

"Y-you aren't following a beta.."

"You played beta, lassie?" He looked shocked.

"Well yes, but on my older brother's account." She looked worried.

"I see, to others we have a script, but to you, we aren't your usual game characters." He stuck his hand out, Lyllyan took it, "We are real people."

Lyllyan looked shocked. She looked around and noticed twin elezens sitting across from them. She noticed the one with the blue ribbon would glance at them every now and then.

"Them youngins aren't up for much conversation, so while we are on this boat ride, how about you and I explain this situation. The name's Brennan." He smiled.

Lyllyan calmed down a bit, "My name is Lyllyan. Nice to meet you Brennan."

"Such manners, I'm impressed. Nice to meet you too. So, to explain how things will work, you are apparently here in Eorzea from an unknown world to us. You play a major role, but be warned. Everything you feel is real."

"Why is that a warning?"

"Well, lass, sometimes you get stuck in a bad situation, and well, die."

Lyllyan looked shocked and scared, but Brennan waved his hands, "That doesn't mean you die in real life, lassie. You'll respawn. It just....well I bet it'll hurt. A ton."

Lyllyan pondered in her head. Exploring a whole new world literally, becoming a hero and saving the world, and maybe get to use the powers outside of this world, versus, feeling death everytime you die.

The good out weighs the bad. Welp looks like adventure it is.

Brennan waited and saw a determined look on her face, "Looks to me you came up with a decision."

One of the sailors came down, "We have arrived, make haste!"

Brennan looked at Lyllyan with a smile, "Lass, welcome to Eorzea."

Lyllyan hurriedly rushed off the boat. She covered her eyes, the sun being bright, and when her vision cleared she stepped off onto a wooden dock. She look at the buildings, seeing it being big and white. Red, black, and white seem to be a common theme. She looked around, seeing all different races roaming around. Chatter amongst the crowds, and even items you can touch.

This was it. This was Eorzea. A magical world that she is now a part of.

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