Hostages, Plans and Absolute Idiots

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A formal arrest. That's what Nezu has threatened. A spanner in the works for any plans at getting home if they weren't careful. They understood why suspicion had landed on them, every attack seemed to revolve around the group without ever quite touching them but it didn't change the fact that they wanted to help. Especially since now, three innocent kids....and Mineta had been taken. Those children were in grave danger and neither Yato nor his friends could do anything about it.

Having friends had been nice but honestly, what they wouldn't give to be invisible right now. And those friends they'd made were the ones who had been kidnapped in the first place. It made them feel so helpless.

The police came for them that evening. The group hadn't been allowed to see each other at all since the incident so they had no way to talk to each other or figure out what to do.

Yato knew what he wanted to do: he wanted to save his classmates.

Bishamon knew what she wanted but she also knew what she should do and then, unfortunately, there was what Yato would do.

Hiyori wanted to help, of course, but she's been taught to work with the police, they were only trying to do the right thing. But she'd go along with her friends if they acted.

And Yukine, he would have done anything to help and he didn't really have much of a choice but to go along with whatever crazy thing Yato decided to do.

So in short, they were all just waiting for Yato to do something stupid. And he didn't disappoint.

The police knocked on Hiyori's dorm first, the girl opened her door timidly and did everything they asked. Which included allowing them to put handcuffs around her wrists. Next was Bishamon who, reluctantly, allowed them to do the same but kept her head held high and regal as they did. Then, they were both taken downstairs, in full view of more than a few students who watched with varying expressions.

Midoriya however, walked up to them, "They shouldn't be doing this," he said to them, "you haven't done anything wrong."

Bishamon looked at him kindly, "We'll be ok Midoriya, and we'll get your friends back."

Midoriya frowned at them as Yato and Yukine came down, also in cuffs before the officers asked him to step away, leaving the greenette to hope that they wouldn't do something too stupid.

The officers walked the group outside the dorm house, a few members of the class watching as they were dragged off. They all waited for Yato.


Yukine's tattoo glowed for a moment before his bright light stunned their escorts and he formed as two katanas in Yato's hands.

"Suuki! Gaiki!"

The bullets ripped through the air, freeing the hands of the group from the chains as Bishamon fired before they ran for it. Not even bothering to try to fight the officers- they hadn't done anything wrong after all, there was no use fighting them.

But the gunshots had drawn attention, they hadn't got far enough from the dorm house and more than a few members of the class as well as Aizawa had appeared at the door. The pro teacher reacted immediately, his bandages flying at the group. Yato cut through it easily, defending himself and his friends as they kept moving.

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