Clash of the Titans

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"So nice of you to come to me."
The goddess' chakram blocked the katana that was intended to come in contact with the cage imprisoning held the heroes.

"You." Yato's voice dripped with venom and his eyes held nothing but spite towards the goddess that stood before him.

"Me." the goddess stated flatly, looking at the god, "If you thought I was going to leave a cage of hostages unattended then you're dumber than I thought."

Ushina applied more force behind her chakram, pushing him back and away from her.

"Oh come on Yato." The goddess tilted her head to the side with a bored expression splayed on her face "You wouldn't want to disappoint me."

"I'm not here for your entertainment." Yato growled.

"Wanna bet," the goddess' eyes glowed maniacally, "let's dance delivery boy!"


Aizawa looked back at the young heroes that stood behind him and the nearby pro heroes, he knew bringing the students along was a bad idea but with how strong the goddess was they were going to need as much help as was possible, be it for back up or actual combat.

Aizawa fully turned around to look at the young heroes before they headed into the goddess' hideout.

"Now let me lay down the ground rules:" Aizawa narrowed his eyes as he looked at the heroes-in-training, "Those of you that have a hero license are allowed to engage in combat. As for those of you without licenses..." Aizawa's eyes settled on a furious looking Bakugo, "....the only reason I will permit you to engage in any combat is if you'll die otherwise." Aizawa had no reason to worry about Todoroki but he was fully aware of the fact that Bakugo had a bone to pick with Ushina and he wasn't about to let the boy charge in there, putting his life in danger once more.

"What the fucking hell!" Bakugo began to protest but was cut off by Aizawa's cold glare and authoritative words,

"That is final."

"Fucking hell," Bakugo mumbled

"You'll be fine dude." Kirishima placed his hand on the boys shoulder to comfort him but was secretly happy as he wasn't sure what he would do if Bakugo were to be injured again or even worse killed, at the thought of Bakugo dying Kirishima shook his head as a smile crossed his face, Bakugo wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Besides, if the Grimm reaper did try to come for Bakugo, Kirishima was sure the blonde would find a way to kill death... or at least scare it off with his cursing.

"I want to fucking kill that bitch." Bakugo mumbled.

"Tough luck." was Aizawa's reply before turning to the door that separated them from the goddess,
"Let's get this over with," the sleepy man mumbled before pushing the door open.

Both the pro and young heroes froze in shock and suprise at the sight they met. The sound of metal colliding against metal echoed through the room as Ushina's weapons met with Yato's, it was clear to see that this was a heated fight as both people kept their eyes locked on the other. Bishamon stood beside a now empty cage with a big sword in her hand while Hiyori attended to the now-rescued heroes.

"What the hell is going on?" Aizawa asked clearly shocked.

"This is so bizarre!!" Present Mic announced in a rock and roll voice.

"I thought they were working with her." Midnight stated confusedly.

"I told you it was a misunderstanding"
Midoriya spoke out making all the teachers turn to him.

"They may be against her now but we can't clearly prove that they weren't working with her from day one and only just turned against her now." Aizawa pointed out.

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