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“Harry!” My eyes jolted open at the broken cry and I felt a warm sweaty Z at my side, digging her nails into my arms as she struggled to breathe.

I flicked the light on and felt my heart come to a quick stop.

Blood. Blood covered her teeth, and her lips, and her smooth tanned skin.

“Z!” I exclaimed, gathering her small weak form in my arms.

That’s what I hated. She looked so sick and weak, but the light in her eyes said different things. They said she was still that energetic pocket rocket that I’d met a decade before, when we were younger, before life went to shit, just to brighten again. But, it seemed that it was dimming again.

I ran my hand over her soft cheek, noting that she was practically on fire and yet shivering.

“W-We need to call an ambulance!” I whispered, not wanting Dawson or Lily to wake and wander in here, to see their precious mother like this.

She shook her head and gulped, a hard cough that sent her into the struggle for air and more blood to cover hand.

“Don’t.” She managed, pain laced deep in her tone.

“Z, you’re coughing up blood!” I exclaimed, tears filling my eyes.

She hushed me and cupped my face with her blood free hand, giving me a weak smile as she tried to breathe.

“I know.” She whispered, tears lining her eyes. “I’ve been dying, H.”

That stopped my world, and let it slide right off it’s axis. “W-What? No! We’ll call an ambulance, and everything will be okay.”

“Harry!” She firmly whispered. “I don’t have sand left in my hourglass.” She wiped a tear away with her thumb and brought my face closer, closing her eyes as our foreheads met. “The world was my oyster, but I’ve grown tired of them.”

I shook my head and hugged her closer. “Don’t say that!”

“It’s true darling.” She coughed again, and gasped for air, her voice dropping to a nearly silent whisper. “I’ve loved everything we’ve gotten. This apartment, Cheese, Sassafras, Dawson, and Lily.” She was holding in her tears as she gazed up at me with all the love the world had to offer. “But most of all, I loved every moment I spent with you, from that day on the park bench, to now. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

I knew she had more to say, so I kept my heartbroken rambling to myself.

“I’ve had t-tuberculosis for years. And it was supposed to be dormant… But when I started coughing and getting sick, I... I knew I was dying.” Her bottom lip trembled as she spoke. “I was going to tell you so many times, but I didn’t want you to be act differently with me.”

“I’d never treat you differently.” I swore through sobs.

She hushed me and combed through my hair lovingly. “I-I-” Her voice cracked and she inhaled sharply. “I want… I want you to go into the secret room. And I don’t want you back in that h-hospital. T-The kids, they’ll need you.  More than anything.”

“I promise.” Crying, I brushed my nose to hers.

“And never, ever forget how much I love you.” I shook my head.


“Tell our story, baby. Share our miracle with everyone, so they know love is real.”

“I will.” I sniffled and looked into those beautiful eyes. “I’ll love you forever, Z.”

“I’ll be waiting and watching. I love my mini babies so much… And I’ll never be able to stop loving you, H.” I released a cry of despair and connected our lips for the last time, then pulled back as those magnificent melted emeralds closed for a final time.

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