Holy.... Where on heaven and earth am I???

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Lily Evans POV

"Oh, Grow up!!!" I yelled down the hallway to 'The Marauders' as they called themselves.

"No!!!" Black yelled back. God, I swear they are the most annoying people to walk this earth. I don't mind Lupin, he's quiet, reads a lot, always puts the prank right. Pettigrew is OK. He's kind of quiet, but is always there to help out with the pranks. Now, Black is the most frustrating person. All he does is flirt. Its disgusting. And last, Potter. He is annoying, disgusting..... and not to mention cute. As much as I hate him......

I swear I will have to follow them.

They won't get away with this prank. Not this time.

3rd persons POV

Lily Evans raced after the Marauders, only to bump into them as they all stopped short in a doorway.

"Oww... That hurt!! Why did you all stop??" she complained. Remus Lupin pulled Lily in front of him, and Lily saw what made them all stop.

There was a girl in the middle of the classroom.

And she looked dead.

Sapphires POV

Freakin hell. What just happened? I groaned and sat up. I heard gasps, so I automatically assumed that the people in the great hall thought I was dead. I opened my eyes, to find my self..... in a classroom? What the hell? I saw people in the doorway staring at me. So they were the ones who gasped.....

"Are you alright?" a cute skinny brunette boy asked me, inching closer, to help me stand. He helped me up and I stood still for a minute.

"Where on heaven and earth am I?????" I shouted throwing my arms in the air.

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