Chapter 5 - Planes

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Chapter 5 - Planes

The rest of the week went by pretty quickly.

After I'd called Jasmine when I told Jake about us going to New York, she'd been fine with it. As for Jake though, Neither of us had heard from him. He'd been at school, but if we had a class together he would sit across the room from us. At luch he wasn't around. We tried looking for him but to no avail.

Well that was enjoyable.

And as for Sophie, well, no words describe her properly. She was.. fickle? Fickles a good word to describe her actually. When we were with people she was the queen of bitches. But when there were no people around she was somewhat decent to me. I think she has a secret plan to kill me, but according to Jasmine and Julie thats not possible. But I don't know how they would know.

The week was short because classes were pointless, and I might have dozed off in a couple(most) of them. And then home was good, I hadn't seen much of my mother, or anyone else really but thats okay with me. I did mis my dad though.

And come Friday night when I was nearly finished repacking my bags a twentieth time, I was ready to collapse. Dead asleep. So I did.

And when I awoke to the beautiful sound of my alarm clock beeping at me, I realised it was Saturday. And I was going to New York. Thank heavens.

New York. New York here I come.

"Morning sweetie," My dad rounded the door with a cup of hot coffee. Exactly what I needed. God, I love that man. "You ready to go in an hour?"

An hour? Oh hell. I have so much to do. "Yep. Sure will be." And he left to do whatever dads do before dropping their kids off at an airport.

And as for me. I ran straight to the bathroom I dashed through the hall to the bathroom. And ran face first into the door. Damn. Who's in there?

Whoever it was stayed there for another ten minutes. I bet they did that on purpose. And as the door handle turned, I let out a sigh of relief to get to the bathroom. And who would happen to walk out to bathroom?

Sophie. What? Looks like someone slept with my brother last night. Looking closer I saw signs of tear tracks on her face. She can cry?


"Leona." Her hostility mirrored mine.  Neither wants to see each other at this time in the morning.

"Why are you here?" I wanted to confirm my suspicions.

"I'd rather not talk about it," She wiped a tear off her cheek, sniffling. "And if its any of your concern, this conversation never happened."

"Sure it didn't. I won't tell if you don't," I sidled past her to the bathroom entrance. "After all, we wouldn't want the world to know that Sophie Harring was in little fat Leona Thompsons home, would we?" I liked having the upper hand.

"Shut your mouth piggie," Sophie glared at me. "You don't know shit." And with that she stormed back to Greg's room and slamed the door behind her. And I ran straight for the shower.

Jumping in the shower I stayed there a good 20 minutes doing what a girl does in the shower. Jumping out I brushed my teeth and popped my toothbrush in my bag.

2 things on the check list done.

I called Jasmine getting dressed. "Hey biotch. Get up. Airport in twenty."

2 seconds later she called back. "I know! You feeling pumped?"

"Yes. Yes I am." That was when I landed face first in my underwear drawer. Stupid freaking suitcase! Why the frick was it in the middle of the room? Oh. I left it there. Damn me.

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