Secrets Revealed

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I felt as if I had the air punched out of my lungs. "What do you mean?" I asked her slowly, almost fearing what she would say next.

"She is a witch." Claire assured seriously and so firmly, that I felt my vision of her turning blury. There has to be some sort of mistake. There is no way she could be a witch, I mean after all she's such a gentle and sweet person there is no possibility that she is a witch.

"I know how hard it must be for you." Claire added silently with a simpathetic smile. "I used to think she was just a harmless little girl back then." She sighed, "She used witchcraft to charm you, just like all the other men before you."

"Are you implying that this witch charmed me as a form of entertainment for her?" I shook slightly, clenching my fists in anger and dissapointment.

"That is exactly what she is doing." Claire affirmed, making my chest clench as I looked at her in disbelief.

"What do you want?" I asked as she and I shared a knowing glance.

"Oho, so you knew I wasn't here to only tell you that." She smiled in amusement.

"Just tell me and get it over with." I knew I shouldn't be acting like this in front of a nun, but my emotions were getting the worst out of me so I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

"We need your help on a small task." She smiled at me as if she knew what I was thinking and gave me a small note tied with a string. I took it silently and bowed my head.

"It was a pleasure meeting you" I said as I walked away putting the note on my pocket.

Once she was out of sight, I took the note from my pocket and opened it. As my eyes scanned through the page, I narrowed them and frowed. Isn't this a little too much to ask of me? I put the note back and walked to the inn where I was staying, entering my small room. I layed down on my bed, too tired to bother taking off my clothes, I yawned slightly and let myself drift to sleep as my body became heavy.


"That hatefull woman" I looked at myself in the miror as I tore off my nun cap. "Using her charm to try to steal my prince away" That pest is ruining all my plans. There must be someway to dispose of such a nuisance without drawing too much attention. I looked to my side as my eyes landed on a small leather bound journal on my nightstand. Bingo.

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