The first epilogue! Only one chapter after this and it's done!
"So, how is it up there? Have you met my mother? Or is it not like that? If it is, tell her I said hi.They arrested him, that man. The court session is scheduled for this Thursday. But it's not like that will get you back.
I'm turning nineteen next Wednesday. I feel guilty because you didn't even make it to eighteen.
I kind of miss you. You should know that never hated you. I was a bully, though, and I'm sorry for that. I wish I could hear you curse at me again like you did when I did something mean.
Did you remember what you asked in there? About what I would do if I got out of there alive. It's been working out pretty well. I made up with my dad and I'm not failing any classes anymore. I just can't ask out the girl... 'cause she is dead."
Captured (Translated From Dutch)
Storie breviThis is my Dutch short story translated into English Imagine being kidnapped and waking up in a room, tied up. There is someone else and the only thing the two of you can do to pass the time is talk. However, that person is the one person you hate t...