9. She wants to kill you

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Her red hair swirls to her sides as those mahogany colored eyes stare back at me. I dont dare scream or anything close to it; considering Charlie's in earshot distance of me. I swallow hard and squirm back into the tree scared for my life.

"How nice to see you here." Victoria says tauntingly. I bite my lip not knowing what to say when she speaks again. "I heard Laurent got a hold of you...but don't worry he won't be a...problem anymore..." her voice is hard and not easy to talk to. I know what she means; she killed Laurent. It wasnt hard to guess through her speech though.

"Like you said he already got a hold of me; I'm not human anymore!" I tell her with an attitude. Her head tilts strangly and it reminds me of James. Just his name brings back horrible memories of that night in the ballet studio. The night when I was biten. The night when Edward saved my life...

"Really you're not human...one bit at all?" she taunts me again and it's so hard not to knock her to the ground. With one movement her hand touches my hair and then she's behind me pulling me into a chock hold. I gasp and gasp hoping for air; but her grip is too strong. I decided I dont want to die...so I flung her off my back and onto the ground in front of me. She hits it hard but is up way too fast for my half human eyes to process. I leap down from the ground and start running full speed, as far as I can but she's much faster. With a leap she's pounded me onto the ground and snaring her teeth loudly. I breathe for air since that run was tiring and her lips curve into a smile. "See you're not all vampire...it'll be much faster to kill you now." I lie there thinking only about what will happen next and nothing inbetween when I hear the low hissing behind me. Victoria looks up and with a flash disappears into the bracket; leaving nothing but the wind in her place. I sit up and look to see Edward and Alice standing next to my sides. I gasp for being quite excited to see Alice and then realize the pain which my body is in. With a groan my hands fling to my stomach and then back to my arm. I look at the bruises all over me and then I know; I'm no match against Victoria. Edward's gentle arms lift me up and my two feet once again touch the ground. With no hesitation I dart into Alice and hug her to death.

"Alice! Alice! Alice!" I say a bit too loudly. Her hug tightens on me and I realize the strength she has. I release and look back at her; she has the same old short black hair and golden eyes.

"Bella are you alright?" she asks checking me over. I smile and then look back down at the blood splattering my clothes. This must look really bad in her eyes.

"Yeah fine." Is all I say back before Jacob jumps out of the thicket. I scream and then fall backwards hitting my tailbone onto the ground. "Jacob!" I yell while he helps me up. "I keep telling you not to do that!" his laughter rings through the forest and soon so does mine.

"Sorry Bells; I just came out to find you and had to do that!" I sigh and then look back toward Edward who has lost all interest in our conversation. His eyes look so blank as if he's...ugh...he's reading Jacob's mind isnt he! Edward just won't let anyone think to themselves won't he? I'm so glad he can't read my mind or he would be getting some mean comments right now...

"Is Charlie gone?" I ask Jacob immpatiently. His eyes go forth to Edward's and then back to mine.

"Yep..." with one swipe his hand is locked with mine and I know exactly why. He's trying to make Edward jealous. He must have found out about the whole mind reading thing...

"Jacob that's not funny..." Edward's hard voice comes in finally. I smile and wonder about what Jacob must be thinking.

"It's funny; just admit it.." Jacob says back about to laugh. Edward rolls his eyes and then looks at me. His perfect face sparkles in the little sunlight which has hit him. For a brief second everything in the world is lost and only Edward and I live in it; but soon he breaks away darting back into the forest. Alice gives me a wave and then follows him. I sigh and then look back at Jacob who's waiting immpatiently at me.

"Come on..." I say grabbing his arm and heading back to the house. Days pass and the same old things happen. Wake up, hunt, hang out with Leah, have a campfire, prepare for bed, Jacob time...

"Bells we should really be getting to bed." Jacob tells me inbetween kisses. I know it's almost midnight; but I dont want to stop. I wrap my arms around his neck and try to pull him back but he pulls away.

"Just lie down and try to sleep." he says pulling away my arms from him. I sigh and then lie back down resting my head by him. I look up at his brown eyes and watch his lips turn into a slight smile. I'm about to doze off when I hear the pounding knock on our closed door. I shoot straight up and walk over to open it up. Standing before it is Edward. I'm about to speak when he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the house. I struggle to get free but he's much stronger than I am.

"Edward!" I yell. He stops moving and looks directly at me. "What's going on?" I ask fretting. Edward would never come this late unless it was something bad. His eyes leave mine and then go forth to behind me. I look as well and find Jacob. I yank myself out of Edward's grasp and run over to Jake. I notice the look in Edward's eyes and I realize they must be sharing thoughts again... "Tell me too!" I yell shaking Jacob. His mind comes back and then he looks at me in fret.

"Victoria's coming and she's brought others to help get the job done." Jacob says now looking at Edward. I tilt my head for I dont get it.

"Why does Victoria want me dead so badly?" I ask anyone who cares to listen. Edward looks at me and then back into the forest.

"She wants to kill you so I'll feel the pain she felt when we killed James." Edward says facing my way again. I swallow hard and try to realize what I'v gotten myself into now. A vampire wants me dead, and I dont want to die! "Alice and Jasper are setting up camp, since we know Victoria will be coming to the places Bella would most likely be at. Emmet, Carlise, Rosalie and Esme will help as well." Edward says in his accent of a voice. Jacob grips my hand and then starts walking toward Edward.

"Lead the way then." Jake says pulling me along. I dont want to leave; but if I want to keep everyone safe -including myself- I'll have to do this. I look once more at the house which I've barely lived in and then we dart into the forest. Leaving not a trace of us behind.

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