13. Dont cry

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My eyes go forth to Edward's as I watch him walk over to my side.

"Are you alright?" he asks, lifting me back up on my own two feet. My head goes really dizzy and so I grip his arm for support. Victoria had really dug my head down hard. "Come on." Edward's voice is hard and very impatient as he picks me up -cradling me in his arms- and carries me. I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. The pain is so hard on me right now; and I dont even want to be awake. I keep hoping my mind will fall blank and I'll just be able to sleep; but it never happens. I keep thinking about Victoria and her death; and everything in between.  

Edward soon stops running and sets me down carefully. My head's still dizzy so I mis-step and loose my balance a lot. "Here." Edward says harshly, holding my shoulder with one hand and ripping a lower piece of my shirt off with the other. He ties the fabric around my arm -where I had cut myself- and then rips off another piece for the little blood on my head. He dabs it gently and I watch his eyes. They move quickly and i keep wondering what he's thinking about. Once he finishes he throws it back onto the ground and grabs my arm pulling me along fastly. I struggle and trip often but keep moving. No more than a minute later I notice a huge bonfire started in the middle of the meadow. I gasp and then look harder; Alice, Rosalie, Emmet, Esme, and Carsile all stand around it -watching it burn down. Edward and I walk up to them and immediately Edward starts to speak.

"How long?" Everyone looks in our direction and then back at the fire. I look as well and notice all the newborns dead and burning.

"A few minutes." Alice responds fast. I wonder what they talk about?

"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi will know we're in truce with the wolves." Edward says looking back toward the snarling mutts. Everything is calm for awhile before I hear the low hiss coming from the woods. I snap my head around and search everywhere; but I can't find any possible source. Soon; when I had just thought all was quiet, I watch as the big grey wolf -Leah- pounces forward tackling a lone newborn to the ground. "Leah don't!" Edward yells rushing forward; letting my arm go. They struggle for sometime and my anxiety grows worse. What if the newborn bites Leah? I think to myself. Anything is possible; considering all which I've been through already. Leah struggles to get free as the newborn chokes her off. With one big leap I watch as Jacob pounds the newborn down and fights to kill it. It's a hard battle -werewolf vs. vampire- and I dont know who's winning? Then I notice it. The newborn. He leaps up on Jacob, holding onto his back -as if riding him- and without a doubt cracks his ribs. I hear a yelp and then all within an instant Jacob falls onto the ground turning back into his human form.

"Jacob" I gasp and then without thinking I start running toward him. The other wolves kill the newborn off, so I know there's no harm left. I get to him as fast as I can; but of course Edward and Carlisle are already there.

"The bones are shattered on the right side of his body" Carlisle says to Edward who's listening carefully. I kneel down next to Jacob and watch as his eyes go forth to mine.

"Jake I'm right here." I say touching his cheek. I can feel how hot he is; considering he was just a wolf...

"Jacob you idiot I had it!" Leah says darting over along with the rest of pack. They all wear clothes and then I realize...Jacob doesnt. I moan and then look back to his face. Better.

"Leah!" Sam says harshly kneeling down to Jacob. Carlisle tries to bend Jaocb's arm, but it's staying firmly in place. Which is never a good sign...

"We need to get him out of here; he's not going to be able to fight with the Volturi." Edward says looking back up at Carisle. I watch Jake as his teeth grind together loudly leaving my mind going crazy!

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